i'd like to get the DLC, but as an Xbox One user, i'm horribly disappointed in Bungie and Activision. the linked article about sums it up.
i had an Xbox and Halo the day they launched, and have been big fan of the series ever since. Halo exclusivity and the handful of Sega devs developing for MS's platform were the reason for my decision at the time; Halo remains as a factor in my decision, this generation, to get an Xbox One. Destiny was a factor in deciding to stick with consoles and not build a PC, as both Xbox One and PS4 are pretty underpowered compared to even a very moderate PC.
now, i feel Bungie is essentially telling fans of the franchise they created to eff off. i know money talks and Sony put up a lot of money to get partial exclusivity, but from a gamer's perspective not all the blame can be put on Activision. iv'e grown very fond of the Halo series. i'm not an Xbox or a PS fanboy, and would like to have both systems, but i really can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on a game system when i already own one. i also want to save Cortana and finish that fight - i need an Xbox One. in part, because of Halo. the game Bungie created. because i've become such a fan of a game Bungie created, now i'm punished by paying the same price for less content than another platform?!
we get the message Bungie, eff us stupid Xbox players.
and eff you too.
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