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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • Edited by T4HPrometheus: 10/30/2014 1:56:17 PM
    Fist let me say I do like the game. It's got potential. I'm looking forward to the "DLC", especially Crota and some of the new gear. That of which is not copy and pasted and then reshaded... I do believe it was advertised and even hyped up as if this content was launch content was it not? In that aspect alone, it should have been. Would have made for a better experience and a better game. Let alone false advertisement. Unless I'm mistaken. A delay to the release date would have been fine . Too many company's are now rushing product in the name of competition.. Point is, we shouldn't be paying for content already on the disk in the name of "faster. Downloading". Now unlike most people I understand a portion of the DLC is on pretty much every disk and as such, you've got no quarrel with me on that. My issue is the very small amount of content being provided. It could all be completed in a single day. The way it's looks, it's not worth a players time in the long run, unless of course... You toon in after the first few DLCs are launched. But for existing players... What's to keep us in the game? If for Example.. WoT were to charge for every update they added; Ohhh 2 tanks and a map, reworking done to 2 others... The player base would outrage and fall off. Again, the issue is the scale of the content. Any other game would call this an update and release it as such. Probably the reason you never tagged it as an MMO. Bump,comment, like. What ever people. Up to you. Not interested in a heated fight.

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