Hey! My name is Drkstar82, I am the leader of the clan the Damn Dirty Bird5 [DDB].
So this is kind of a different request from what is normally on the clan page. We are a very active xbox one clan and not only are we open to new members, I would like to form a clan alliance with another small to mid size clan. We are a cool, fun group of guys who enjoy playing together and participate in all aspects of the game including raiding a couple times a week. The main reason I am looking to form an alliance with another clan is to increase the chances for multiple raids a week and a chance to meet a bunch of other new cool people. Plus it seems like a lot of people have clans already these days so this would be a cool way to expand numbers. If anyone is interested have the clan leader send me a PM and then we can try to meet up in a xbox party possibly tonight or this weekend. Thanks guys!
Hi, I am a fellow leader of a clan and would like to create an alliance .My clan has 19 people whom of which all have at least one level 30.Msg me on xbox one. GT: Fr0zen Ki11z
Really small clan here.