Sorry this is utter crap in the past games had exclusives where they get additional content on release and usually later the rest get it thats fine but to get more again when this game has NO CONTENT to begin with this expansion should be free due to the lack of game we were given to begin with.
I for one and i know many other thats it im done im not even paying for the "so called expansion" unless playstation and xbox get the same deal im sick of console wars take your shit out on the developers by not giving them the game maybe but dont release a multiplatform game and screw half of your customers I SUPPPORTED your company all through its early days and your making me leave you if this goes ahead like this BE HEARD!
1 Sorry this is just utter crap this first one should be free and both platforms should get equal content now GAMERS UNITED!
2 Sorry bungie Im leaving unless ps4 and Xbox get the same deal this time its about us the GAMERS UNITED end of warfare!
3 This is fine by me because i just wanted additional content and Im not phased that they are creating segregation in their gamers.
4 this is fine by me paying for the content but i think we should be getting the same content we are all your gamers stop this console warfare and treat us as your gamers not as children. end the console warfare today
5 I just want the console content warfare to end I'm not really phased what we have to pay for dlc
Just a post and no poll answer: I'm pro Xbox getting screwed because they got halo when Sony got allot of exclusives aswell and I think playstation should get even more exclusive content