[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Bollocks to Bungie and bollocks to Activision. They hyped and hyped and hyped this game. 180 plus awards. Youtubers raving about destiny. Reviews saying it was going to be a genre defining game and more. Even the box said it was a vast cinematic story driven game. And what we got was a half arsed game that doesn't know what it wants to be. 10 years? You f*****s think this game will last 10 years? The way this game has been released with its lack of content,diversity,Nerfing of weapons because 10 year olds complain about the guns that you/we spent hours trying to get and the overall lack fun it's like Bungie and Activision really couldn't give a shit about the community or the people that have bought this game. And now there's DLC which isn't really DLC it's just the areas that were hacked off and locked away have now been unlocked all for the low low price of £19.99 and you f*****s think this is acceptable? That's nearly half of the price for a full game! It's a joke. But luckily enough sunset overdrive comes out tomorrow and past that the division and Dragon age so I won't have to play this game any more. It's going to gather dust on my shelf. The gameplay,graphics and music are great. It's just a shame that this game failed so hard and fell so far from the lofty perch it was placed on by us and the media. Hopefully this absolute failure of a game will serve as a warning to not believe the hype train and go off our own judgment instead of listening to some wanker on YouTube who are giving us their bought and paid for review.