OK so we were on atheon and during the second round of teleport nobody left so everyone had a good laugh at bungie's expense... Then came the 3rd round of teleportation and everybody teleported to both worlds except one person and on one of the worlds the relic didn't spawn.
Now again it happens after another wipe where one person only teleported and 5 stayed back we couldn't open the teleporter fast enough to send in the help to take down the oracles.
This is by no means a post to say I hate this game cause I don't but it's something Deej needs to get back at the guys to remove random cause the possibilities are ugly when you get this kind of random where you get a forced wipeout...
Edited by The 7th fall: 10/30/2014 6:18:30 PMYeah I was with this dude in that game earlier. -5 People got teleported into BOTH worlds, but one got left -1 person got teleported, but the rest stayed behind -Atheon teleported NOBODY a few times -Atheon teleported 2 people, 4 left behind EDIT: the relic(shield) isn't protecting anyone except the weilder from enemy gunfire -also the minotaur in the right portal STILL keeps glitch regenerating health after being hit with relic attacks Deej, DEVs, or whatever PLEASE fix these bugs! With the way this is going, Atheon is rendered unbeatable. I can only imagine how hard mode will be.