I decided to wait and see what their new content and the amount of it would be before I stopped playing because I still had hopes that they would deliver something that was at least a little interesting. The sheer lack of disrespect from you fanboy fags towards those who make reputable arguments is disgusting. You sir are clearly a moron with no common sense and a clear lack of intelligence to be so belligerent to someone just cuz someone expresses their opinion about a shabby example of a game.
Edited by XI cheVelle IX: 10/30/2014 5:09:44 PMSays the pot who just blatantly disrespected someone for their opinion. You do realize your response to my response of your comment where you were putting down someone and have been this whole thread makes you look like a hypocritical jacka$$. But, but only my opinion matters. I can put down everyone for their opinions, but how dare you disagree with me and call me names. Get real dic#head. I'm not being a fanboy by calling you full of sh*t because you rate a game 2/10 that you've sunk over 10 hours in. Is that the only put down you know?