Dear Bungie,
How hard would it be to add more things to do in the Tower? Social stuff like a futuristic Fussball, target practice (shoot alien heads on a timer!) darts or pool... Something you could do and challenge other Guardians who want to do social stuff and perhaps make some Glimmer wagers for fun? Anyone else with me on this?
Also some chat bubble so people can shout out -LFG Nightfall or Raid. Would be nice, And OMFG only 16 players in each tower session. There is almost no chance to find people to play with, Make it atleast 100. This game is far from deserving to be called an MMO. I mean WoW has been out for 10 years now? Yet Bungie didn't take any inspiration from that game. If I had not been so stupid to buy the expansion pass, I would have sold this game already. I'll just play GTA V until I hear some good news about "Destiny is fixed"
It would be cool to have something like that. It would definitely give us more to do in the tower.
I love that idea!!! Maybe some sparrow racing or somthing different. And then why not make it so u can buy more glimmer items its almost pointless ya know
Hell yeah dude I would play the shit out of that
Kinda with ya, but glimmer wagers are pointless. My glimmer is maxed 90% of the time, because there is no point for currency in this game. Now going exotic for exotic, or leg for leg IM down
Very true, have some sort of reward system behind it was the point.
IM picking up what your putting down lol
Very hard actually. If you were aware of the amount of time and effort that it takes to develop something as simple as that you wouldn't believe how it was even possible to make this entire game. (I am a programmer).
I am developer as well. UE4 to be exact. Was wondering if I was the only one that felt the Tower needed something.
So you helped make destiny????
No, but I am well aware of what is required to make something of the magnitude.
Oh ok what games have you worked on
Let's not be so quick to just say "No". It would be a great addition to help bring other players together and help team up to do missions.
Alot of people dont wanna donit because they like doing the same mission 16 times a day and think this game is epic it would have been if they just did what they planed I would back bungie 100%, but from whatbis heard the CEO got involved and wanted to appeal to everyone, and in my opnion u cant do that.
Doesn't Activision of roughed for a lot of old arcade games? Arcade in the tower please!
I agree. I would also like there to be a place/room for people to socialize and set up a raid fire team since they don't think it's a good idea for matchmaking the raids. I have yet to do the raid since I can only play destiny at random times in the night. Anyway, something needs to be done to make the tower feel more alive.
Totally! I'll RAID w ya bro...Do you play on PS4?
Unfortunately I'm still on Xbox 360. I still haven't jumped to the new gen stuff. If I do soon, it will probably be ps4.
Definitely get it in the PS4! I'm biased of course.
This sounds logical
I completely agree, that stale melting pot needs to be stirred a bit with some social interaction
All of these things are relevant to my interests. Heck. Yes.
This sounds great. Maybe more emotes as well? I feel like R3 could be more efficiently repurposed.