Fellow Guardians: Can anyone tell for sure how the new Light level cap will work? Shame on me but I haven't raided yet. I'm at level 29 with 1 exotic and 3 legendary as armor on each of my toons . How can I increase the light level to 30 and 32 with the DLC... strictly by Raiding or will be other ways?
The raid gear is the best gear in the game outside of exotics, that's how you'll hit 30+.
No the same way you got to level 30, but new armor and exotics will be needed. I'm not sure what will happen about the exotics we already have though. Will they update it to where all current exotics raise their light levels? or will the new legendary's be high enough to get you to 32 without having to get a better exotic piece of armor than the one you already have..