I am extremely unhappy that there is "Exclusive timed" content for the DLC for PS. Had I know this when I purchased my limited edition, I probably wouldn't have done so. Exclusive content on release is one thing. Exclusive content on DLC, for who knows how long this will happen, is another. I would have opted to wait and buy it at a later time when it was cheaper....that way I could have all the content at once. How long will Xbox users have to wait to get full versions of the game? Or catch up to PS?
No offense but Bungie made it very clear before the game was released that DLC would have PS timed exclusives, all you had to do was look. I dealt with "timed exclusives" with COD for years with my PS3 I understand it's frustrating and the nature of these exclusives are arguably much more intriguing content that XBOX users are missing so I'm not arguing that. Just pointing out that they were upfront about there being PS exclusive content.
Yes, they mentioned Timed Exclusives for Destiny. They neglected to say that that was going to affect(could) future releases too.
Hey nothing will change unless XBOX users get mad about it. Money talks, don't buy DLC maybe they'll change it. Unfortunately since it is an ongoing contract with PlayStation it likely CAN'T change for a long time. Don't know what to tell you. As a Sony user who dealt with this non-stop with many of my games I can tell you eventually you'll just get used to being treated as a second class consumer by Activision. It feels good to have Play Station being treated well for once but that doesn't make it right for those who have to wait.
You'll get it eventually... What's the problem? Impatient?
Edited by AnyOLName: 10/30/2014 5:50:47 PMProblem is, the more content that gets delayed by a year will be irrelevant by the time it becomes available. It affects the replay value of the game; 5 strikes VS 7 and whatever the current difference is in PvP maps. It affects what I am paying $20 for VS what PS players paying for. Will we have to pay for this exclusive content when it is available? How many more timed exclusives are there? Because if this continues for more than a year, that means Xbox players are going to be waiting on the full release for three years...
It will continue for the lifespan of destiny. They made all of this quite clear before launch.
No they didn't. Show me then...