The Witcher 2 would like a word. Massive DLC and it was all free.
Did bungie make the witches? Nope... I can't think of any game that has had free dlcs, although I didn't play the witcher... How do yall expect a game to go ten years with only the 60 dollar game... They have to charge for dlcs get over it, I spent well over 200$ on dust and about 100$ on borderlands two,
Edited by SeekerofPower17: 10/30/2014 5:35:52 PMNo, but the guy said name any game where you get more for $20. I named a game where you get more for free. I thought it applied here. CDProjektRED has made a lot of money on The Witcher series and they plan to give the DLC for The Witcher 3 away for free as well. The did a free upgrade to the Extended Cut for the original Whitcher as well, and yet their company still exists and makes money. So, yes, games can do it. Another example. Dark Souls. The Astoria of the Abyss DLC was $14.99 and had probably 3 times the content as this patch. Dark Souls 2 DLC is 9.99 per episode (3 episodes) or 24.99 for all 3 together. Another example is the Mass Effect series. Bring Down the Sky was free, Pinnacle Station was 4.99, Normandy Crash Site, Zaeed's DLC, and Firewalker were free, Kasumi's DLC was 6.99, Overlord and Arrival were 6.99, Lair of the Shadow Broker was 9.99, ME3: Extended Cut was free, Leviathan was 9.99, Omega and Citadel (definitely the 2 largest DLC's they put out) were 14.99, all the Multiplayer DLC was free.
Did you just google that because I've never even heRd of the last paragraph of games you mentioned lol.... I guess I don't have as much time to game as you do so I'm content with the 20 dollars... I can't even get a bag for 20 bucks and 25 dollar bag would last a week, my twenty bucks in destiny will last much longer so I'm good. Just wish there wasn't so much whining in the forums. When I don't like s game I don't play it!
Edited by SeekerofPower17: 10/30/2014 5:44:37 PMYou've never heard of Mass Effect? The last paragraph lists all the DLC from the Mass Effect series and their individual prices. That's the problem, I like the game, but this is crap content for the price. Also, they claim that the story missions were created from scratch in the 3 months since the game released, but there are 3 story missions in the on disc locations that people found, and the descriptions for said missions are right in-line with the story line they are saying they just created. That sounds fishy to me.
Didn't see the mass effect only played the last one though it was okay I guess for a twenty dollar used game
You think this game is better than Mass Effect? That's why you aren't upset, you obviously don't care about story in video games.