I can't even log into the game! Every time i try the raid I get KTO at the same place. I have 2 lvl 29 characters who are stagnant now because of this. I get shafted after nightfalls with ridiculously horrible rewards. No, they had their chance for nearly 2 months of devoted play. Now it's a chore. I'm not wasting any more of my time on this game because it's clear that the engineers at bungie have no clue how to write code, or even understand what the code they do write will actually do in the game. Had I done something similar at my job, I would have been fired and replaced. If it takes Bungie a year to fix this idiot fest, then it's obvious the game was not ready to be released, which shows a lack of good decision making on their part to not tell Activision they needed an extension. Any way you look at it, the quality control is not up to the standard it should be at. Defend this game all you want, more fool you than me.
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