No one here has time for your fanboying of your preferred console. What peoplr are saying is xbox is paying the same price for less content. Plain and simple. Quit with the blame games of CoD on Xbox and all this bull about Halo being xbox only and whatever. You do understand you sound like children with those arguments, right? I'm on no side, i am simply just stating how immamture sime of this is. People feel they are being ripped off, so leave it at that. People are entitled to feel that way and not hear you calling them a bitch and throwing your choice of console in their face. Honestly thought we would be over this by now.
To all the whiners about paying for dlc especially the ones complaining that story line should be free. If this upsets you that much don't play. I suggest that you put all the effort your using to whine and design your own game and then you can see if you can survive.
Did i whine about the DLC? No, i merely stated that people feel ripped off so let em go. I am sure you have complained about something you've felt ripped off on before,
My post was not directed to you or your post. Not sure why it posted to your comments. It was supposed to be a stand alone post. Sorry if I offended you.
It's all good, just caught me off guard haha.
Im with you on this! but... they did say before launch that PlayStation would have more content and it was an exclusive BUT its will be availible for other systems.
I didn't follow the launch of this game much but i am sure they did. I just don't think people were expecting an entire year. (Did they announcr the timeframe?)
As far back as i can remember they never gave a time fame they just gifted the game to xbox regardless i blast both but for different games and TYPES of games. This should have been full content on both but they did give a fair warning AND bungie does have some animosity towards Microsoft lol
Yeh, very true. I just think it's bad business practice to put your feuds on the consumers end. That's just me, though.
I agree. Alot of ppl continue to even talk smack on here about the game itself aswell as console fudes. I enjoy thw game very much but i always have to keep in mind when im pissed with it that its still only the begining or a ten year franchise. There will be some kinks and bullshit along the way.
Exactly. The game just came out almost two months ago and everyones expecting it to be this huge, rich WoW-esque world.
WoW was built over time. They can -blam!- off thats high expectations to a game that has already exceeded most.
Quite true, quite true.