I just find it funny the fact that people are bitching about $100 for the game and 2 expansion packs. For those of you that can't make $100 in a day's work, you're clearly 12-18 years old or you flip burgers for a living.
In which you probably spend 100's of dollars FOR that fast food within 6 months time (the timespan in which destiny and the two expansions are set to release)
If you really want me to do the math on how many cents a day you have to save before both DLC's air then you clearly need to be educated about money.
They destroyed the game in the name of money and nothing else. Both the DLCs were supposed to be with the package. They were not supposed to be DLCs in the first place. The Traveler was supposed to be evil and we were supposed to encounter the queens brother on earth and we were supposed to stop the resurrection of the traveler. The black garden was supposed to be located within him. It's false advertisement and extortion...
All of that is rumored information. While I would have preferred this story, don't go spouting it like it's fact.
It's the whole reason the Creative Director left. He didn't want any part in the fraud. Why leave before your game is marketed and give up the income? We're being cheated plain and simple.
There wouldn't be videos of it if it weren't. If we don't grasp it like fact and let it go as if it weren't.. Then your no better than the company extorting it's players. It was advertised this way. Hence the videos and what not.
Why are there vids of it then?
All of that is rumored information. While I would have preferred this story, don't go spouting it like it's fact.
Hah, your so dense. THEYRE ARE VIDEOS of it occurring this way.
Edited by J South: 10/30/2014 8:05:42 PMVideos showing the Traveler as the villain? Videos showing the Black Garden being in the Traveler? That's fact? Or did you watch that 30+ min video some guy named Batman Dobbins made THEORIZING how the story was originally intended to be? Because that's not fact just because there is a video about it. Unless its from Bungie themselves, it's all speculative rumors. Out of all those things you stated, the only one that is actually worth talking about is the Queens brother being in the e3 2013 trailer as that is actual good indication the story was to be different. I didn't follow this game like a shark on the scent of blood like a lot of people did so it's very possible I missed something. Link these videos you speak of. They ALL better be produced by Bungie.
I am 54, have child support and have to make due in NYC where the cost of living is crazy. I don't think it is cool to judge people on what they can afford to spend especially in these days. Are you an elitist? The young kids you mention playing don't often have a job as their parents insist they get their education which they are paying for. $100 could be a bunch for them. People - myself included - do often and too often complain about things in Destiny that maybe shouldn't be complained about - but that is our choice since we may have expected something different. It doesn't make us bad people or even bad Fireteam mates.