Your a moron, along with everyone else who is "bumping" you. You all need to understand server based games. They are slowly updating their game and their servers. If you don't like their method, stuff it and move on. Sell the game and buy CoD when it comes out, that's all half the people on here are gonna do anyway. Cry about activision but go and buy another game of's cool. Oh and if you are an xboner... It clearly said that playstation was getting more content, not their fault you bought the least supported side. But here is something for all you that don't understand this game and bungie.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
..............\.............\... And move on
Activision publishes CoD as well. You should go buy battlefield, which is published by EA, Activision's chief competitor. That'll really stick it to them. ;)
I like that idea, I haven't bought a CoD in years it's all the same. Sit in a corner with an automatic gun and you win.
The fact that your defending this kind of shady business practice is sad. Tool.