Very hard actually. If you were aware of the amount of time and effort that it takes to develop something as simple as that you wouldn't believe how it was even possible to make this entire game. (I am a programmer).
I am developer as well. UE4 to be exact. Was wondering if I was the only one that felt the Tower needed something.
So you helped make destiny????
No, but I am well aware of what is required to make something of the magnitude.
Oh ok what games have you worked on
Let's not be so quick to just say "No". It would be a great addition to help bring other players together and help team up to do missions.
Alot of people dont wanna donit because they like doing the same mission 16 times a day and think this game is epic it would have been if they just did what they planed I would back bungie 100%, but from whatbis heard the CEO got involved and wanted to appeal to everyone, and in my opnion u cant do that.