Anybody who believes this game isn't complete behind a -blam!-ing pay wall has to be an idiot! The reason why it's all online only is because they are working day and night to keep you from this content! You wrote that long excuse making, ass hugging crap to make excuses for Bungie! Sad thing about it is, DeeJ was just on Guardian radio last week saying "THEY DO NOT NEED A DEFENDER ON THEIR FORUM'S!" So why the fuc are you here? There's no point in defending them, they are not paying you, they are not going to slip you a little something extra in the post master's box for your praise so stfu! We are voicing our disappointment with this game if you don't like to see or hear that, -blam!- off and go play the damn mediocrity that you are making excuses for and let real people who have real common sense discuss what's actually wrong with it!
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