I'm trading in Destiny for something else today. This is the first game I have ever been disappointed with. In any other game I played, the good has always outweighed the bad. Other then the great playing mechanics I dont see no other appeal to this game. I've only played this long due to wishful thinking for the dlc. Dlc that they market as expansion packs. Please tell me a game that has had an expansion with so little content. Or even better tell me why you think these things are worth $17.5/$20....
New missions: We are getting just one new npc in the tower that will give us three missions on the moon. Ill bet any of you that each mission will take place in already accessible areas. One will most likely take place outside the temple while the other two will be inside.
New strikes: Just like the missions, the one strike everyone will have access to, will just be running through the temple until you get to a boss room.
New raid: Probably the only unique thing aspect of the game. It'll be beaten by the end of the day and then by the end of the week everyone will know how to do it.
People don't realize that the strikes/missions will take four hours tops altogether. Then whats left? The raid that after the first week, will be done in a few hours. I don't see any point in paying that much for a couple hours of new content and then all there is to look forward to is one aspect of the game, once a week.
Why are so many blind to the miniscule amount of effort being put into this game? Here are just a few random things I dont see people talking about as much.
Weekly Heroic/Nightfall: Why is it always the same mission twice? Every Tuesday I complete the nightfall mission just to do the same exact thing over again but just not as hard. So fun.
Enemies: Why does every enemy I encounter have 0 personality? 30 years from now if you asked me what a grunt or elite is, I could paint a vividly accurate picture in your mind. If you asked me what a dredge is, I wouldn't be able to tell you if you paid me.
I figured Destiny just transferred halo covenant to destiny and renamed them Cabal are Brutes , Fallen captains are elite Honor guards , dregs are jackals , Sharks are grunts lol ?!? But yeah the game is still good I don't mind the grind just like any other game
Oh yeah Walker is scarab , ghost is the oracle, and the drop ships open up the same as It did in halo when dropping enemies. I feel they got lazy with the art work of enemy's , wizard hmmm banshees ?!? (What u think ) they just the same way and follow u around
Seems that way tbh.
Maybe some of us just don't care and rather enjoy the game how it is and actually enjoy earning our keep in the game and play it for hours not expecting instant satisfaction
Thank god this is the last time I have to read another almost completely incoherent response like this.
Didn't realize what I said confused you. If it didn't confuse you, try using better big words that you might think people don't know. Thanks
[quote]Enemies: Why does every enemy I encounter have 0 personality? 30 years from now if you asked me what a grunt or elite is, I could paint a vividly accurate picture in your mind. If you asked me what a dredge is, I wouldn't be able to tell you if you paid me.[/quote] I love this, it's so true!
Preach it man!