I don't get why everyone is complaining about $20 for the dlc you pay $15 for any cod dlc and all it is most of the time is 4 multiplayer maps nobody bitches about that
You are correct no one bitches about cod charging $15 for 4 maps. But it's apples and oranges. Most people play cod for the MP. I know I do. And that's what they advertise and deliver is a good MP experience. But I would argue that most people bought destiny for the story. Not MP. So to most people $20 seems like a lot for 3 missions 1 raid and 1 strike. All of which could feasibly be done in 1 day. I think that is where the people who are upset about it are coming from. Best wishes -Fawkes
Yea but there is also 3 mp maps $20 is more than fair for 3 missions 3 multiplayer maps a strike a raid and some gear and weapons... I get everyone was disappointed with the story I was to but we can't change it now... Everyone should stop bitching and go play shitty cod if their not happy
Just because one set of people are ripping you off doesn't mean the next should! Lol if every new game banged an extra 5 bones on they're dlc you would be paying 60 bones per dlc in no time,. I expect it's because of the outcry that they don't already do that,, they have no integrity to the community and will charge you as much as they can for as little as they can
because cod dlc is a ripoff? Let's compare it to borderlands 2 $10 dlcs which included 10-15 story missions, several new items, brand new areas, and 1-2 raid bosses each