Some of you people are such losers, all you do is moan moan moan moan, why can't you just go on the game and enjoy it? Why is that so difficult. The fact none of you can be pleased by anything is the reason why bungie can't satisfy you all.
How about you all log on, shoot some aliens, high five space wizards and have some -blam!-ing fun for a change
Because there is nothing to do in the game. Why don't the Destiny homers realize this, there is no content.
Nothing to do? Go pvp, go slap a space wizard, it's your fault you have burnt out on the game not bungies
Lol complaining about complainers. Irony
I don't think he realized that you were making fun of him...
Oh Ive realised but I'm British so taking the piss is in my forte
I know right. At least I'm the one having fun on the game instead of screeching like a spoilt child
Even though ur on forums whining about people whining instead of playing destiny
Whilst you are sitting there whining about me whining about whiners
While I'm whining about whiners who whine about whines and wines that are whiners....
Wine? I don't drink wine..
It was a joke about how much we're talking about whiners
Wait this is a joke I thought it was all seriously serious..
It's as serious as bungie's beer pong games they do, instead of fixing bugs in the game
Bugs? I haven't come across any yet I'm just having fun high fiving space wizards in the face, no game is perfect I'm no stranger to that
U r right about no game being perfect, but the bugs I'm talking about r the ones in the VoG when u walk through a portal and it glitches out at random
I'll sympathise with that, must be irritating.
shut up meg
Because we may money for games to get our money's worth and this dlc is a rip off.... The game was too short and repetitive in the first place now we find out the dlc was already in the game when we bought it?!? Bullcrap we paid for dlc they already had created at launch all while we run the same strikes over and over agin like its the best thing ever? Bungie needs to get a grip cuz at this rate the game won't last a year must less 10
You bought the game... Why did you buy it if you don't like it
Your brain is fried to even ask such a dumb question
Yea my fault I'm sure bungie announced that the came would be the same missions over and over and over and over And over again I should have paid more attention befor I bought this years biggest bust on release day
No no face it, you are angry at yourself because you purchased something you are not enjoying because you sit there and play it 13 hours a day and burn out.. Your fault not bungies