I've read a few comments from players and I'd like to briefly address a few points.
[b]Paying a lot of money for an incomplete game[/b]
Destiny is fantastic. You can see a lot of work went into it.
However, it is clear that Bungie are ripping us all off by slicing a product into snippets and charging so much for each one.
Remember when you bought a game, played it, loved it and then were so happy when they were going to release an expansion? (e.g Shivering Isles DLC)
It's a slap in the face to release content at that price almost as soon as the game has been released.
[b]Euggghh you poor fag get a job and then u can buy it!!!1[/b]
Understand that a lot of younger players do not have jobs.
Understand that a lot of players with jobs don't always have excess income to throw around - food, mortgages and fuel do not pay for themselves.
[b]Should stop being a xbox scrub ahahahahah playstation is da best[/b]
Grow up. They're both great consoles. It's all down to preference.
Both Sony and Microsoft see you as a source of money - nothing else.
[b]Stop whining, if you're so upset try making your own game[/b]
Stupidest point of all. Just because someone can't do something does not mean they can't have an opinion.
If a chef made you a doughnut but filled it with wasps instead of jam, would you complain? Or would you eat it because you don't know how to make a doughnut.
Anyway, these are my own opinions.
Have a good day.
I played through the story of this game on the first day, after that all you can do is continually repeat the same missions and strikes over and over and over again its boring, this game in no way willl EVER replace halo, I like the game but I agree that there was no effort put into the coop story or multiplayermodes I mean come on guys i have been playing this game for a month or more, and I have only seen 5 or 6 multiplayer maps whats the deal with that? As far as I am concerned bungie is trying to make us pay twice for 1 game, I mean I already payed $69.99 plus tax for this game and if I want the rest I need to pay another 40 almost thats BS, what happened to the days that dlc was given as a gift to the fans for their continued support, and maki g your bankroll bigger, greed wins everytime, if things keep going the way they are game creators will lose my support and money!
Edited by Pig Benis: 10/30/2014 8:16:59 PMThanks
how did you even imagine a wasp filled donut?
[spoiler]The horrors are real, Guardian.[/spoiler]
well met
Very well said and agree with you on most points but the one I see slightly different is us getting ripped off. I agree we are getting ripped off in a way but not in the sense that they are selling us pieces that were already done. I'm not saying you're wrong I am saying that we just don't know that for sure. In an interview with the bungie prez he says that those areas on the disc already are there to cut down on the download space and time for gamers. If he is to be believed then that's a valid reason but that's up to you. But it is a fact that what was advertised is not what we bought. In that way we were ripped off. We were advertised a much larger expansive story driven epic adventure. What we got was still good but not what was advertised. Best wishes -Fawkes
Totally right. See I figured sone time ago that they had actually spent about a quarter of the 500mil to make Destiny and sort of donated the rest of the money to ALS or something... this game was Bungies ice bucket challenge.