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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 6:02:37 PM
I love how people compare holding back content already developed to the halo games, which would have required developing the games completely from scratch for the other console (bare in mind ps3 in particular was a black sheep as far as multiplat games go owing to the cell processor and how the architecture worked) , these guys were busy working from one game to the next, from halo through to odst and reach. Xbox users are paying for the content, they should get exactly the same as what ps users are paying for, timed exclusives for a year would be fine if it was cosmetics, but a missing strike is like 15% of end level content, and for a year where it's only going to be appearing once it's irrelevant and in a game so sorely In need of some content.. and I'd call Bs if it was the other way around, too. bungie have stated that they are going to treat the communities equally, which means paid for dlc needs parity. or reduce the price of the xbox dlc and charge the extra money back when the missing stuff is eventually released.

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