But let me make some sense hopefully to you through this. Redn3ck brad presents why destiny sucks! Biggiekoolaid and myself run strikes in theory of exotic rewards at 94 strikes biggie acquires Plan C. At the same time Redn3ck brad hits 101 strikes acquired nothing. Now to further the point. Other than the raid there is no set chance on a set enemy for a set exotic or gear. Randomizing the chance to a 100% random chance of a exotic. Now if the exotic does pop now you have another gamble that so said exotic may be another useless one like the many ive dismantled. If im looking for one exotic so say the last word. My buddy acquired it from a legendary ingram. Now lets go further. Bungie did not put in a trade system so players would have a weapon the show for there hardship and a story to tell. My story: i ran 100+ didnt get the last word. My friends: i ran one strike got the last word. Great story man that sounds triumphed and hardship! Now why waste my time any longer on a repetitive game where its simple but time consuming with the overall .02% chance to ever acquire the one exotic im actually after. I'd much rather wait for a game that doesnt crash with every animal in the kingdom and doesnt have massive bugs like sending 3 guys to mars and 2 to venus on the first atheon time gate opening. I got a better plan. Ill invest my 20 bucks into a game that deserves my time. Oh and say you come back with lets say oh you mad cause one exotic. Actually no my hardship will be shown when xur brings it LoL. Great story time Deej! Redneck howd you get that exotic man!!!! Ill reply well dude it was aweome i wondered the tower aimlessly then i saw this blackrobed man and!!!! I bought it. Good night!
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