[quote]So we get 1 strike 1 raid, 3 story missions and 3 multiplayer maps. That was cut from the game and we are paying $20.00 more for this? This was already finished prior to launch, the way you treat your community, your loyal fans is disgusting. This should of already been included in the game.
Bump if you agree.[/quote]
Console gamers fail to realize this is how 'mmo's are made and if we had all that content day 1 free of charge thered still be complaints about the same stuff more content,nerfs,buffs,pce,pvp. I say just wait and enjoy the game if not no need to rage just go play cod which is even more repetitive than destiny.
Hyfr!!! Cod is the worst example of soulless money grab I've ever seen. Releasing same content and we'll pay same games! Destiny is a great game and you know what?, I'll gladly pay for the countless hours of entertainment it's given me. [quote]the wolves follow the the strongest, and look to him to lead them to immortality[/quote]
Not to mention the last 2 games had reworked maps from previous games and people still payed at least with destiny you might get same map buta bit more story , well lets just say we get story cuz cods story dies out quickly ,as for the pricing on content i thinks its fair unless you want to be charged said amount of dollars for more vault room , more bounty room, and items that enable you to access certain areas like some other mmos do
Well said