You obviously don't have the mental capacity to understand that DLC isn't a problem in theory.
If you had any sort of critical thinking skills, you'd understand that selling incomplete games and selling the rest of it as DLC, is terrible.
DLC is a fun way to ADD to the game optionally, not a way to FINISH your game because you're greedy.
But only someone of mature mindset could understand such a concept.
You're damn right I've put over 100 hours into this game. I'm not letting my $60 go to waste. It's a sunk cost, but you probably didn't attend college to know what that is. I paid for Destiny, so I'm gonna play what I got, but you best be certain I'm not buying anything else.
So go ahead and fanboy hard and buy everything these idiots names Bungie chuck at you. You're the reason they do this in the first place. Lmao.
"Grown ups talk" hah where are they? I don't see one.
First off you won't see anyone you're on an app silly goose. So I'm a fanboy because I like something. I guess I'm a fanboy of pizza, pussy, cars, tattoos, basketball, Jordan shoes, and a bunch of other stuff. Let's see you can put the game in you're system, it reads the disc, you log in, shoot some aliens in the face or even some other guardians. The story may be incomplete but the game is not. By you're way of thinking any game with a sequel is incomplete which is completely wrong. Have fun playing destiny I know I will. Have a good day man. I hear Gamestop is still giving $30 for it if you're that unhappy with it. That's half your investment and you still got almost 4 days of gameplay out of it.