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originally posted in: The Dark Below
Edited by TheEvilYouKnow: 10/30/2014 9:41:16 PM
Even if both the first two expansions shipped on the disc destiny would still be fairly content lite compared to even the lighter mmos. And before you say it isn't an mmo, regardless of what bungie chooses to call it the game is structured and played similar to an mmo so it's going to be held up to that standard. If bungie decided tomorrow to call destiny a racing sim we aren't all going to start comparing it to gran turismo. It's not that destiny isn't a fun game, because it is. It's that people were sold an incomplete product regardless of whether that portion is worth $60 on its own. Imagine if they had waited till after the credits of the first hobbit rolled to inform people that it was actually going to be three parts and that the first one wasn't a complete movie. I'm fine paying for three separate films to tell the hobbit story, even if the book was shorter than 2/3 of the LotR books that had 3 movies total. The problem isn't that there isn't $60 worth of content, it's that the expectation was for a complete product.

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