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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 6:35:43 PM
Very well said and agree with you on most points but the one I see slightly different is us getting ripped off. I agree we are getting ripped off in a way but not in the sense that they are selling us pieces that were already done. I'm not saying you're wrong I am saying that we just don't know that for sure. In an interview with the bungie prez he says that those areas on the disc already are there to cut down on the download space and time for gamers. If he is to be believed then that's a valid reason but that's up to you. But it is a fact that what was advertised is not what we bought. In that way we were ripped off. We were advertised a much larger expansive story driven epic adventure. What we got was still good but not what was advertised. Best wishes -Fawkes

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