Edit: Before you read, please note that this is not a comparison of games, but a comparison of $/content value.
Most of us come from a FPS background in either COD, Battlefield, or Halo. And it seems there is a lot of us on here slamming Bungie, but can we please BACK THE CRAZY TRAIN UP?!!! [u] I, myself, have been a COD person, so I'm going to speak specifically from that point of view[/u]
Let's look at the facts before drawing some conclusions:
1. Call of Duty games launch with around 10-11 multiplayer maps, then charges a fee for DLC (usually around $15) that includes around five more maps. There are four
of these DLCs in a "season". This DLC has no other content then those five maps and then maybe a new weapon
- Destiny launched with 11 multiplayer maps and the first DLC will introduce 3 more maps to the Crucible
2. Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode that takes about 6 hours to complete. You are solo on this campaign.
- Destiny launched with a "campaign" mode that takes at least twice as long as a Call of Duty campaign, and can be played with up to two other friends if you want.
You can always play it solo if you choose. These campaigns do repeatedly start you in the same world over and over again, but take you through different parts of
that world to defeat different bosses.
3. Call of Duty puts in tons of micro transactions for character customizations, voice commentators, weapon skins, etc. that you pay real money to access
- SO FAR, Destiny doesn't make you pay any more for such customizations. There are tons of options already available.
4. Call of Duty's DLC includes only 5 multiplayer maps and maybe a gun for $15
- Destiny's DLC includes 3 multiplayer maps, a host of new weapons and armors, new drop items, a new raid, new missions and strikes, new shaders and it costs
only $5 more.
So, let's add all this up:
CALL OF DUTY - For a $60 game, and $40 of DLC ($60 if you don't buy the season pass) I get:
- Around 30 multiplayer maps, a 6hr campaign, some other kind of co-op mode that usually few people touch, a couple of added weapons, a number of looks (though your armor/camo/ghillie suit play no role in actually preventing damage), and that about sums it up
DESTINY - $60 game, $35 for DLC ($40 if you don't buy expansion pass):
NOTE - I'm going to estimate based on what we know of The Dark Below and apply it to the House of Wolves DLC
- 16 Crucible maps, an estimated 24-30hr campaign that can be played solo or with a small team, about 12-15 new weapons, 8-10 new armors (that actually do something besides aesthetics), three 6-player co-op Raid missions, multiple in-game currencies, a grimoire packed with story content (albeit very few people read, but it's more than COD has going for it), and that about sums it up.
My question is this; WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT???? Destiny offers so much more content then Call of Duty or Battlefield, or even any of the Halo games. You may not like the story as much (agreed, it was extremely lacking), but there is a ton in this game, the gameplay is tight, and for less money then what I pay in a year on Call of Duty I feel like I'm getting more content. I'm on Playstation, so an Xbox user may feel differently, but let's admit that for a new IP, this game has a ton going on.
I would totally be ok with this if it had been advertised as just another shooter. It wasn't, it was billed as a next-gen MMO. They failed, miserably.
Dude, they straight said it wasn't an MMO. Every time someone said it was an MMO they corrected it. They invented a new genre of games for Destiny so that it wouldn't be an MMO and so it would be confused as an MMO. It's called a shared world shooter and they have said from the start that it isn't an MMO. So why the -blam!- do you guys keep saying that it was advertised as one?
[quote]I would totally be ok with this if it had been advertised as just another shooter. It wasn't, it was billed as a next-gen MMO. They failed, miserably.[/quote] Agree 100%
agreed! they advertised it as a hybrid version of an mmo, and all us gamers who actually know what mmos are had high hopes...but were let down severely...for me, ill never buy another game that has Activision brand on it ever again! Everywhere they go, the game gets murdered due to deadlines and making quick money schemes...i sincerely hope The Division isnt going to be a let down too! And i also think preordering a game is never a good idea now, destiny made a quick buck over $500mill alone on preorders...which gave them enough incentive to rip it apart and sell it in pieces to make more money -_- cos they were guaranteed 500mill already....never preordering again....
Somebody at Bungie needs to hire this Man/Women cause He/She Know that the H#$% He/She is Doing
More content than halo games? What about the MCC with +100 multiplayer maps and 4 campaigns? Added with tv series and Halo 5 beta, all available for 60 $.
Your argument is invalid KH92 you have to account for initial releases of the single games over the years. You will be paying $60 for consolidated game content, for which if you are already a halo fan have bought these games before.
Well one of the games is a complete overhaul, the others have had their resolutions bumped up to 1080p and frame rate to 60fps as well as adding other features; Halo 2's original multiplayer (which can't be played on xbox anymore ) and the ability to string together your favorite missions are good examples of this. In addition, this is likely (give the number of preorders) to give Halo 3's multi player a good boost, which is good considering the other day I was playing and there were only 75 people online according to the severs. You then have a short Tv series, and access to a beta (in which your feedback may actually make a difference in the final game due to being set a year ahead of planned release) This is pretty great value for money if you look at how these things would cost separately: Halo2 A: $50 (based of CEA's price) CEA 3 + 4: about $55 (considering their current pricing plus work done) Nightfall: $20 (price of most DVD's here) [b]Grand Total: $125[/b] So you're essentially getting it all halfprice! (maybe slightly more or less I had to do conversions from GBP To USD )
[quote]Your argument is invalid KH92 you have to account for initial releases of the single games over the years. You will be paying $60 for consolidated game content, for which if you are already a halo fan have bought these games before.[/quote] So the MCC doesn't count because it offers more content but they are still old games in it.
Edited by Zangetsu Archon: 10/30/2014 10:13:36 PMu seriously dont get it...for starters the entire fan base for destiny are mostly from the halo franchise, this game was never for the cod fanbase where its all about fps maps etc, this entire game revolved around its story and its hybrid version of an mmo for ppl to immerse themselves in a new world where they travel and experience new things and heavily story driven and lore game...and all those promises were broken, its been hacked up in tiny pieces and then remade again just so they can make more money by selling it pieces at a time rather than one whole package with a truly inspiring story with so much depth it couldve made dragon age and mass effect pale in comparison...but no, it was not meant to be, because whoever made the decision decided making more money by selling pieces at a time was more profitable than releasing a game with unparallelled competition in its entirety...its so -blam!-ing obvious how much depth and creativity was put into this game! and its been defiled by money grubbers in the end...i dont blame that guy leaving when they ruined this game a year ago...i would to
Bump! :)
It has been hacked up because of activision they funded 250 million so if activision wants something done bungie has to do it they have next to no power over there own game cause of activision everything thats been cut and -blam!-ed up is because of activision... activision tge cod part of destiny is a like a cancer it will spread and eventually infect every new game coming out and gg all games will be shit. I say someone permanently takes down activision ... if only someone could i would be tons happier and maybe destiny can actually becomr a good game... -blam!- you activision you ruin everythong your cancerous hands touch.
I agree with you that this story is all broken up. I've also read about the departure of the original story writer and believe that with his departure we are probably not getting as good of a game as expected. But Halo 1 wasn't a monumental success of a story. I did play that all the way through. The Halo story has been developed over numerous games. Give Destiny a chance to do that same thing. Bungie is not approaching the story the same way. Halo basically told the story as you went from one mission to the next. A straight narrative. You learned the lore through each missions as well. Destiny is allowing this open world environment to allow you to discover the story at a different pace, with much of the lore tucked away (not wisely) in the grimoire cards found through the website or the mobile apps. Trust me, if you go read through the grimoire cards you will realize the depth of story there, but Bungie made it so difficult for people to get the grimoire by not including it in game somehow
[quote]TO ALL THE HATERS: Most of us come from a FPS background in either COD, Battlefield, or Halo. And it seems there is a lot of us on here slamming Bungie, but can we please BACK THE CRAZY TRAIN UP?!!! [u] I, myself, have been a COD person, so I'm going to speak specifically from that point of view[/u] Let's look at the facts before drawing some conclusions: 1. Call of Duty games launch with around 10-11 multiplayer maps, then charges a fee for DLC (usually around $15) that includes around five more maps. There are four of these DLCs in a "season". This DLC has no other content then those five maps and then maybe a new weapon - Destiny launched with 11 multiplayer maps and the first DLC will introduce 3 more maps to the Crucible 2. Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode that takes about 6 hours to complete. You are solo on this campaign. - Destiny launched with a "campaign" mode that takes at least twice as long as a Call of Duty campaign, and can be played with up to two other friends if you want. You can always play it solo if you choose. These campaigns do repeatedly start you in the same world over and over again, but take you through different parts of that world to defeat different bosses. 3. Call of Duty puts in tons of micro transactions for character customizations, voice commentators, weapon skins, etc. that you pay real money to access - SO FAR, Destiny doesn't make you pay any more for such customizations. There are tons of options already available. 4. Call of Duty's DLC includes only 5 multiplayer maps and maybe a gun for $15 - Destiny's DLC includes 3 multiplayer maps, a host of new weapons and armors, new drop items, a new raid, new missions and strikes, new shaders and it costs only $5 more. So, let's add all this up: CALL OF DUTY - For a $60 game, and $40 of DLC ($60 if you don't buy the season pass) I get: - Around 30 multiplayer maps, a 6hr campaign, some other kind of co-op mode that usually few people touch, a couple of added weapons, a number of looks (though your armor/camo/ghillie suit play no role in actually preventing damage), and that about sums it up DESTINY - $60 game, $35 for DLC ($40 if you don't buy expansion pass): NOTE - I'm going to estimate based on what we know of The Dark Below and apply it to the House of Wolves DLC - 16 Crucible maps, an estimated 24-30hr campaign that can be played solo or with a small team, about 12-15 new weapons, 8-10 new armors (that actually do something besides aesthetics), three 6-player co-op Raid missions, multiple in-game currencies, a grimoire packed with story content (albeit very few people read, but it's more than COD has going for it), and that about sums it up. My question is this; WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT???? Destiny offers so much more content then Call of Duty or Battlefield, or even any of the Halo games. You may not like the story as much (agreed, it was extremely lacking), but there is a ton in this game, the gameplay is tight, and for less money then what I pay in a year on Call of Duty I feel like I'm getting more content. I'm on Playstation, so an Xbox user may feel differently, but let's admit that for a new IP, this game has a ton going on. CAN I GET A WITNESS?![/quote]
What really pisses me off is that xbox players are paying the same amount of money for dlc but are getting less out of it(a whole strike less) Just remember bungie xbox built you and halo ..it's time to show us that you care That you car about the real problems not tournaments between bungie employees but the fact that most people cant even play destiny because of it Noah's ark of error codes
I think you've got it backwards. Without Halo, developed by Bungie, the Xbox brand would have floundered. The original xbox didn't have a lot of top level exclusives in its first few years and Halo saved that system. The PS2 dominated that era. Xbox had Fable, Halo and KOTOR as it's anchors. of course there were a few other games, but let's be real....Halo was the legs that Xbox walked on for a couple years.
i think gears of war helped too :3
Agreed. A few kinks here and there but it's fun finding the exploits, and doing it the legit way. Glad someone has a level head about this game for once.
Yes Destiny has 0 micro transactions but I'd decent good money for a Samuel Jackson voice over pack for the Ghost. "Violence mother-blam!-er do you speak it?"
that would be cool, if they gave you the option to change the personality of the guardian that you made, and if they gave you the option to change how your ghost acts to certain situations :3
Yep but Dinkle-Boy sucks.
We want the world lol. if you have played Destiny I think you understand some of the frustrations. But I appreciate your valid statements above. I wanted customization, but what we are stuck with grinding for the best armor no matter what it looks like to be able to reach MAX level. that's not what they advertised. It was spun that you could look unique and build your own legend. i went into the tower last night and 6 people had the same chest and a mixed assortment of the same arms legs and helmets... That's not unique.
What good is max level outside of the raid? Keep another set of armor you like to wear in all the other activities.
What's good about it outside of the raid? Everything, nightfall strike is like a mini raid sometimes... Why can't I have what destiny promised? Why must I just accept that The developers promised something on many levels, And didn't deliver! I'm still playing the game... It's fun to play with friends, but over all I'm disappointed and feel I over paid.