Edit: Before you read, please note that this is not a comparison of games, but a comparison of $/content value.
Most of us come from a FPS background in either COD, Battlefield, or Halo. And it seems there is a lot of us on here slamming Bungie, but can we please BACK THE CRAZY TRAIN UP?!!! [u] I, myself, have been a COD person, so I'm going to speak specifically from that point of view[/u]
Let's look at the facts before drawing some conclusions:
1. Call of Duty games launch with around 10-11 multiplayer maps, then charges a fee for DLC (usually around $15) that includes around five more maps. There are four
of these DLCs in a "season". This DLC has no other content then those five maps and then maybe a new weapon
- Destiny launched with 11 multiplayer maps and the first DLC will introduce 3 more maps to the Crucible
2. Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode that takes about 6 hours to complete. You are solo on this campaign.
- Destiny launched with a "campaign" mode that takes at least twice as long as a Call of Duty campaign, and can be played with up to two other friends if you want.
You can always play it solo if you choose. These campaigns do repeatedly start you in the same world over and over again, but take you through different parts of
that world to defeat different bosses.
3. Call of Duty puts in tons of micro transactions for character customizations, voice commentators, weapon skins, etc. that you pay real money to access
- SO FAR, Destiny doesn't make you pay any more for such customizations. There are tons of options already available.
4. Call of Duty's DLC includes only 5 multiplayer maps and maybe a gun for $15
- Destiny's DLC includes 3 multiplayer maps, a host of new weapons and armors, new drop items, a new raid, new missions and strikes, new shaders and it costs
only $5 more.
So, let's add all this up:
CALL OF DUTY - For a $60 game, and $40 of DLC ($60 if you don't buy the season pass) I get:
- Around 30 multiplayer maps, a 6hr campaign, some other kind of co-op mode that usually few people touch, a couple of added weapons, a number of looks (though your armor/camo/ghillie suit play no role in actually preventing damage), and that about sums it up
DESTINY - $60 game, $35 for DLC ($40 if you don't buy expansion pass):
NOTE - I'm going to estimate based on what we know of The Dark Below and apply it to the House of Wolves DLC
- 16 Crucible maps, an estimated 24-30hr campaign that can be played solo or with a small team, about 12-15 new weapons, 8-10 new armors (that actually do something besides aesthetics), three 6-player co-op Raid missions, multiple in-game currencies, a grimoire packed with story content (albeit very few people read, but it's more than COD has going for it), and that about sums it up.
My question is this; WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT???? Destiny offers so much more content then Call of Duty or Battlefield, or even any of the Halo games. You may not like the story as much (agreed, it was extremely lacking), but there is a ton in this game, the gameplay is tight, and for less money then what I pay in a year on Call of Duty I feel like I'm getting more content. I'm on Playstation, so an Xbox user may feel differently, but let's admit that for a new IP, this game has a ton going on.
Finally somebody get it!
[quote]Finally somebody gets it![/quote]
Why are you comparing Destiny to CoD may I ask? Makes no sense, they both have way different play styles, in pvp terms.
Please tell me, "At what point did I compare the games?" I compared the value of the content received, not the games.
It's still comparing CoD "content" with Destiny "Content." Technically comparing both games.
kids won't get the obvious. same fps and rpg fanboys that cry about destiny not being on their side of the fence will always be immature fanboys. some of these kids are 40+ years old, but until they act and think like adults, i think of them as kids. spoiled kids will always cry and throw temper tantrums when they don't get everything they want handed to them. the entitlement mentality has created many people who never grow up and can't understand simple logic.
Destiny is not COD, and as such cost comparison is just justified. It's comparing apples with oranges. Given they're different fruits, a pound of apple is not the same as a pound of oranges even if they cost the same. In my opinion oranges are tastier. Kidding aside, CoD is a cookie cutter game with a new game every year, with an obvious emphasis on PvP, and has a reputation of being more or less the same games every iteration just with graphics and sight gameplay enhancements. You can almost say that each new game is basically a $60 standalone DLC with a new 6hr campaign, new guns and 10 new maps. There are many opinions about the CoD and Battlefield franchise, but I won't go into that here. Destiny is simply not this and has never been about this, and I never want Destiny's monetary model to come anywhere close to EA's or Activision's money sucking black hole.
I hate to break it to you, but Destiny is produced by Activision, just like Call of Duty. So when I make those comparisons, the games may be different, but I'm comparing amount of content/value. I think this is a totally acceptable comparison. Every person is going to value PvP or PvE, or strategy, puzzle solving, or role playing differently, but all games have one thing in common.....how much value do I get for my $$$. It doesn't matter what genre of game we compare. We could look at Skyrim and Mario and figure out average value/$. I chose COD because it would be a commonly known quantity for most people on this forum and is produced by the same company as Destiny
[quote]Destiny is not COD, and as such cost comparison is just justified. [/quote] I meant not* justified
If it isn't a 1-1 comparison, don't expect people to be able to correctly quantify it. That's whats wrong with this generation! *shakes fist* Now get off my damn lawn!
Maybe we can use the amount of memory on disk like how much content given per gb
I'm 32 and have been gaming since the Atari (COMMANDO FTW)
Almost 32, missed Atari but still remember Space Quest on my dad's Apple II GS. Good times, I heard they are coming out with another one and got excited.
You guys remember River Raid?
Preach!!! I'm with you on this. Destiny has exceeded my expectations regardless of what the haters say. They are the ones who needed to use glitches to defeat atheon!! Ha ha. They don't realise that only the best should get to high levels. I grew up in an era where you only had 3 lives to complete a game. Now they have made it too easy. Bungie I love what you have done and I want the game to challenge me and my boys to be the best!!!
Finally a person who appreciates what the game offers and not what it could offer for their own personal enjoyment. But i agree to this :)
I like this. Although it looks like some of your math might be wrong. You got your point across.
Yeah i can honestly say i didnt like this game too much the first few times i played. Im more of a battlefield 3 type of gamer. I like the guns in this game a lot they are fun mastering. I like how they are bringing iron banner back too. For those who seek greater competition. This game also reminds me of mass effect 3 only bungie offered way more freedom. Id like to see multi team in crucible, they have a scout rifle which is a dmr and hand cannon which is a pistol so some swat maybe?? If possible make the vault a lot bigger. Also i saw on here people were asking about marks and getting more. You can purchase marks. Use 50 relic iron, spinmetal, spirit bloom, or helium filaments and go to crucible or vanguard store.
Man .....how can you compare Destiny with Mass Effect 3? At this point they are on different levels...ME3 being somewhere wayyy up....
Fyi it works unless you got your full amount for the week
The Division. Looks like Destiny done good to me... Bungie make great shooting game, the rest of the stuff they are quite clearly clueless
The Division has been delayed to an unknown date in 2015 because they couldn't even get the engine to run smoothly. All the gameplay they have shown has been running off of modded PC's. Let's hold judgment until they give us actual content. It looks cool, but the actual game development was barely starting when this past Summer began.
Edited by THE N0D: 10/30/2014 7:50:24 PMThey can take all the time they need. and all ready their press releases show how much they have learnt about the mistakes Bungie have made, so I expect it to be good if the game engine is ok. Bungies gameplay and the raid are what makes it worth playing, they just need help arranging everything else lol, and maybe more testing on raids and guns before nerfing them weeks after release...
Edited by mR_tiM3__: 10/30/2014 6:39:58 PM[quote]TO ALL THE HATERS: Most of us come from a FPS background in either COD, Battlefield, or Halo. And it seems there is a lot of us on here slamming Bungie, but can we please BACK THE CRAZY TRAIN UP?!!! [u] I, myself, have been a COD person, so I'm going to speak specifically from that point of view[/u] Let's look at the facts before drawing some conclusions: 1. Call of Duty games launch with around 10-11 multiplayer maps, then charges a fee for DLC (usually around $15) that includes around five more maps. There are four of these DLCs in a "season". This DLC has no other content then those five maps and then maybe a new weapon - Destiny launched with 11 multiplayer maps and the first DLC will introduce 3 more maps to the Crucible 2. Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode that takes about 6 hours to complete. You are solo on this campaign. - Destiny launched with a "campaign" mode that takes at least twice as long as a Call of Duty campaign, and can be played with up to two other friends if you want. You can always play it solo if you choose. These campaigns do repeatedly start you in the same world over and over again, but take you through different parts of that world to defeat different bosses. 3. Call of Duty puts in tons of micro transactions for character customizations, voice commentators, weapon skins, etc. that you pay real money to access - SO FAR, Destiny doesn't make you pay any more for such customizations. There are tons of options already available. 4. Call of Duty's DLC includes only 5 multiplayer maps and maybe a gun for $15 - Destiny's DLC includes 3 multiplayer maps, a host of new weapons and armors, new drop items, a new raid, new missions and strikes, new shaders and it costs only $5 more. So, let's add all this up: CALL OF DUTY - For a $60 game, and $40 of DLC ($60 if you don't buy the season pass) I get: - Around 30 multiplayer maps, a 6hr campaign, some other kind of co-op mode that usually few people touch, a couple of added weapons, a number of looks (though your armor/camo/ghillie suit play no role in actually preventing damage), and that about sums it up DESTINY - $60 game, $35 for DLC ($40 if you don't buy expansion pass): NOTE - I'm going to estimate based on what we know of The Dark Below and apply it to the House of Wolves DLC - 16 Crucible maps, an estimated 24-30hr campaign that can be played solo or with a small team, about 12-15 new weapons, 8-10 new armors (that actually do something besides aesthetics, three 6-player co-op Raid missions, multiple in-game currencies, a grimoire packed with story content (albeit very few people read, but it's more than COD has going for it), and that about sums it up. My question is this; WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT???? Destiny offers so much more content then Call of Duty or Battlefield, or even any of the Halo games. You may not like the story as much (agreed, it was extremely lacking), but there is a ton in this game, the gameplay is tight, and for less money then what I pay in a year on Call of Duty I feel like I'm getting more content. I'm on Playstation, so an Xbox user may feel differently, but let's admit that for a new IP, this game has a ton going on. CAN I GET A WITNESS?![/quote] I will agree to that.