Edit: Before you read, please note that this is not a comparison of games, but a comparison of $/content value.
Most of us come from a FPS background in either COD, Battlefield, or Halo. And it seems there is a lot of us on here slamming Bungie, but can we please BACK THE CRAZY TRAIN UP?!!! [u] I, myself, have been a COD person, so I'm going to speak specifically from that point of view[/u]
Let's look at the facts before drawing some conclusions:
1. Call of Duty games launch with around 10-11 multiplayer maps, then charges a fee for DLC (usually around $15) that includes around five more maps. There are four
of these DLCs in a "season". This DLC has no other content then those five maps and then maybe a new weapon
- Destiny launched with 11 multiplayer maps and the first DLC will introduce 3 more maps to the Crucible
2. Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode that takes about 6 hours to complete. You are solo on this campaign.
- Destiny launched with a "campaign" mode that takes at least twice as long as a Call of Duty campaign, and can be played with up to two other friends if you want.
You can always play it solo if you choose. These campaigns do repeatedly start you in the same world over and over again, but take you through different parts of
that world to defeat different bosses.
3. Call of Duty puts in tons of micro transactions for character customizations, voice commentators, weapon skins, etc. that you pay real money to access
- SO FAR, Destiny doesn't make you pay any more for such customizations. There are tons of options already available.
4. Call of Duty's DLC includes only 5 multiplayer maps and maybe a gun for $15
- Destiny's DLC includes 3 multiplayer maps, a host of new weapons and armors, new drop items, a new raid, new missions and strikes, new shaders and it costs
only $5 more.
So, let's add all this up:
CALL OF DUTY - For a $60 game, and $40 of DLC ($60 if you don't buy the season pass) I get:
- Around 30 multiplayer maps, a 6hr campaign, some other kind of co-op mode that usually few people touch, a couple of added weapons, a number of looks (though your armor/camo/ghillie suit play no role in actually preventing damage), and that about sums it up
DESTINY - $60 game, $35 for DLC ($40 if you don't buy expansion pass):
NOTE - I'm going to estimate based on what we know of The Dark Below and apply it to the House of Wolves DLC
- 16 Crucible maps, an estimated 24-30hr campaign that can be played solo or with a small team, about 12-15 new weapons, 8-10 new armors (that actually do something besides aesthetics), three 6-player co-op Raid missions, multiple in-game currencies, a grimoire packed with story content (albeit very few people read, but it's more than COD has going for it), and that about sums it up.
My question is this; WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT???? Destiny offers so much more content then Call of Duty or Battlefield, or even any of the Halo games. You may not like the story as much (agreed, it was extremely lacking), but there is a ton in this game, the gameplay is tight, and for less money then what I pay in a year on Call of Duty I feel like I'm getting more content. I'm on Playstation, so an Xbox user may feel differently, but let's admit that for a new IP, this game has a ton going on.
[quote]24-30 hour campaign is where I lost all respect for this post....[/quote] Ha. 8-12 at best
I agree. Witness
kill ur self any shooter is miles beyond good than destiny what ever this freak of games resulting from a poor atmpted hybrid of a game
The number of players playing Destiny is the higher than ANY other FPS at the same point of game life. Hmm, that doesn't suck! The players that are playing Destiny are playing longer average sessions than any other FPS ever released. Hmm, that doesn't suck! Activision realized a profit the first week on a 500 million dollar investment! Does not suck! Destiny has become one of the largest communities online. Doesn't suck! Anyone claiming Destiny absolutely sucks has to be deaf & dumb, or brain dead! The weapon play is smooth. The cheaters haven't found a home here like they have in every COD game! Hated God Mode hacks! The landscape engine is great! Breath taking vistas everywhere! If Destiny sucks so bad, leave the community! There's no need for whiners here! Or, stop reading Destiny posts if your here because of the old Halo games! The last 2 call of duty games have sucked! Replay % was down by more than half. The new COD is a Halo/Destiny ripoff! The addition of jet packs is borderline copywriter infringement! Here is a small piece of advice:Learn to love FPS Hybrids because from here on out everyone's going to copy them! Destiny's success of drawing in more mmorpg gamers into a FPS is genre changing! Only here can you find great, un-hacked PvP with an open world mmorpg. Get tired of one & switch to the other! The problem is this generation is all about instant gratification. You won't find that in Destiny! To pwn you have to put in the work! No eBay shortcuts! To a very large majority, Bungie has finally tapped into the realm MANY gamers have been screaming for! A mash up of Diablo, Borderlands, COD, and Star Wars! Fully customizable characters you have to work your ass off to make them great! I digress though! Do us all a favor & trade Destiny in & only go into the Halo side! If you don't have anything intelligent to add, don't say anything! You generally bashed the game without listing what [b]YOUR[/b] problem with the game is! If I had one complaint, it would be that legendary & exotic items are too easy to find! Other than that I can see myself playing destiny franchise over the next decade!
[quote]The number of players playing Destiny is the higher than ANY other FPS at the same point of game life. Hmm, that doesn't suck! The players that are playing Destiny are playing longer average sessions than any other FPS ever released. Hmm, that doesn't suck! Activision realized a profit the first week on a 500 million dollar investment! Does not suck! Destiny has become one of the largest communities online. Doesn't suck! Anyone claiming Destiny absolutely sucks has to be deaf & dumb, or brain dead! The weapon play is smooth. The cheaters haven't found a home here like they have in every COD game! Hated God Mode hacks! The landscape engine is great! Breath taking vistas everywhere! If Destiny sucks so bad, leave the community! There's no need for whiners here! Or, stop reading Destiny posts if your here because of the old Halo games! The last 2 call of duty games have sucked! Replay % was down by more than half. The new COD is a Halo/Destiny ripoff! The addition of jet packs is borderline copywriter infringement! Here is a small piece of advice:Learn to love FPS Hybrids because from here on out everyone's going to copy them! Destiny's success of drawing in more mmorpg gamers into a FPS is genre changing! Only here can you find great, un-hacked PvP with an open world mmorpg. Get tired of one & switch to the other! The problem is this generation is all about instant gratification. You won't find that in Destiny! To pwn you have to put in the work! No eBay shortcuts! To a very large majority, Bungie has finally tapped into the realm MANY gamers have been screaming for! A mash up of Diablo, Borderlands, COD, and Star Wars! Fully customizable characters you have to work your ass off to make them great! I digress though! Do us all a favor & trade Destiny in & only go into the Halo side! If you don't have anything intelligent to add, don't say anything! You generally bashed the game without listing what [b]YOUR[/b] problem with the game is! If I had one complaint, it would be that legendary & exotic items are too easy to find! Other than that I can see myself playing destiny franchise over the next decade![/quote] Lol 10 years....... Destiny wont last 10 years. U can say whatever about destiny and how much people supposely are playing it. But u know and i know november is coming soon and with games like dragon age coming soon........ if destiny continue in that road with a lack of story, people will move on to something else.destiny can t survive without casual players. When they said they want people to compare this game like lord of the ring or star wars lol Seriously. As for now, destiny is not near to be at the level of thèse classics
All I hear is you whining about people whining. Also people didn't know the story was going to be shit inter after they played it a realized later on.
Edited by TheAzarekTTV: 10/31/2014 10:34:35 AMOnly thing I disagree with your post about is the legendary/exotic drop rate.
Yea all the cod fans are gonna trade in Destiny, get the new cod, play it for a while, get bored with it cause they realize how great and different Destiny is, and wonder WHY IN THE HELL DID I TRADE IN DESTINY FOR THIS SHIT lol!!!
11 crucible maps yet I only get 5 map rotations, the rest are in the other shitty game modes...dlc 3 more maps you say(?) ...yeah I bet its one fore each game mode... That one extra strike mission for ps4 player yeah...get ready to see more of the mars strike instead... Oh that new raid...day 2 patch, day 10 patch, day 30 the forum is in revolution because the patch broke the raid :P
Lol's on the raid break lol
I don't think anyone on these forums are saying that call of duty are doing well with their DLC's I play cod a lot, but I haven't brought a single DLC in years
Completely agree
So... Keep bending over and taking it up A is what you're suggesting? No thanks, I'd rather try and change the gaming community as opposed to saying "oh well, guess it's just the way it is!" Screw that mentality. People are trying to improve the game and the industry as a whole. You're not helping.
[quote]So... Keep bending over and taking it up A is what you're suggesting? No thanks, I'd rather try and change the gaming community as opposed to saying "oh well, guess it's just the way it is!" Screw that mentality. People are trying to improve the game and the industry as a whole. You're not helping.[/quote] Yea, because crying on forums changes the world
Never claimed that it did, sitting on yours hands and needs never accomplished much either.
You must make all the big changes through these forums. Bravo, sir, bravo.
"Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode"....... Well now I know you're just making stuff up
At least at the end of a cod campaign you're not wondering where the rest of the -blam!-ing story went. Huge gaps just missing, shit not adding up. This story gets no justice at all because it's crap.
Bit long but worth a watch
They do man, dont kid yourself. Comparing stories destiny didnt give us much to work with. But its not the fact that theres more content in destiny than cod, but the fact that they promised more and didnt deliver... Would you honestly keep playing this game for 10 years doind the same exact shit year after year? Oh yea you can wait for new dlc's... Which judging by the way its going will probably be released 1 a year.. Or less.... So yea
What possibly makes you think it's going to be one a year for dlc's? They are releasing the first one after 3 months.....quick math says 4 a year. I've made my fair share of negative comments about Destiny, but for all its flaws, it's STILL fun to play with some of my friends. I couldn't say the same thing about CoD. Obviously that's just my opinion, but I'd bet there are plenty of others that feel the same way. I mean, why do they put out new games seemingly every year? Because they understand that people always want the "new & shiny", and that's a lot easier to do just making a brand new game, with a brand new team that can be working on said game before the previous game is even released. It's what Blizzard has started doing for WoW, and I predict we see a lot more of that from the larger developers.
Still stand by my previous statements that borderlands 2 had much more to do, better loot system, and better story, on a last gen console..
Played B2 through & completely lost interest! It was a great game for a month! I play daily an avg 4 hrs & rarely run into players that dislike destiny! The only games I have replayed this much were Diablo II, ummm Diablo II! Lol! Skyrim was close, but D2 is still hands down the most replayed game in my gaming career! The fact so many people are still playing, and playing long sessions is a good sign. If the dlc is great, I can see interest staying piqued for a large amount of gamers. Time will tell. The numbers Destiny is touting right now are as good as they get! As long as they stay this way, Destiny just might never go away! Even my wife plays 2-3hrs a day & asked for a PS4 Destiny bundle for her bday! She hated FPS before Destiny. She liked Skyrim & other RPG types. It's nice to be able to party up with 5 friends & family members & work together against the likes of AI never before seen. There is no such thing as a perfect game. This one will do until the perfect one arrives! At least they are listening and tweaking the game based on comments! I've never seen a Dev team do that. I could be wrong on that! As it stands right now I am highly pleased with Destiny! Just my humble opinion with a few facts thrown in! Just keep voicing your opinion & just maybe those fixes will be made! I'm just happy they strive for balance! Good luck, I hope you find the patch you are looking for! As long as it doesn't negatively effect my gameplay!! 😃
Edited by NightHawk2g: 10/31/2014 8:48:48 AMHow are you saying destiny is still good? It's the same thing..been the same since September 9th and the 5 hours to run through the "story" and the numbers they are touting is because the loot system is broken as hell. Doug a raid getting the same shader and no raid gear, all ascendant materials. Not even worth doing