Edit: Before you read, please note that this is not a comparison of games, but a comparison of $/content value.
Most of us come from a FPS background in either COD, Battlefield, or Halo. And it seems there is a lot of us on here slamming Bungie, but can we please BACK THE CRAZY TRAIN UP?!!! [u] I, myself, have been a COD person, so I'm going to speak specifically from that point of view[/u]
Let's look at the facts before drawing some conclusions:
1. Call of Duty games launch with around 10-11 multiplayer maps, then charges a fee for DLC (usually around $15) that includes around five more maps. There are four
of these DLCs in a "season". This DLC has no other content then those five maps and then maybe a new weapon
- Destiny launched with 11 multiplayer maps and the first DLC will introduce 3 more maps to the Crucible
2. Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode that takes about 6 hours to complete. You are solo on this campaign.
- Destiny launched with a "campaign" mode that takes at least twice as long as a Call of Duty campaign, and can be played with up to two other friends if you want.
You can always play it solo if you choose. These campaigns do repeatedly start you in the same world over and over again, but take you through different parts of
that world to defeat different bosses.
3. Call of Duty puts in tons of micro transactions for character customizations, voice commentators, weapon skins, etc. that you pay real money to access
- SO FAR, Destiny doesn't make you pay any more for such customizations. There are tons of options already available.
4. Call of Duty's DLC includes only 5 multiplayer maps and maybe a gun for $15
- Destiny's DLC includes 3 multiplayer maps, a host of new weapons and armors, new drop items, a new raid, new missions and strikes, new shaders and it costs
only $5 more.
So, let's add all this up:
CALL OF DUTY - For a $60 game, and $40 of DLC ($60 if you don't buy the season pass) I get:
- Around 30 multiplayer maps, a 6hr campaign, some other kind of co-op mode that usually few people touch, a couple of added weapons, a number of looks (though your armor/camo/ghillie suit play no role in actually preventing damage), and that about sums it up
DESTINY - $60 game, $35 for DLC ($40 if you don't buy expansion pass):
NOTE - I'm going to estimate based on what we know of The Dark Below and apply it to the House of Wolves DLC
- 16 Crucible maps, an estimated 24-30hr campaign that can be played solo or with a small team, about 12-15 new weapons, 8-10 new armors (that actually do something besides aesthetics), three 6-player co-op Raid missions, multiple in-game currencies, a grimoire packed with story content (albeit very few people read, but it's more than COD has going for it), and that about sums it up.
My question is this; WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT???? Destiny offers so much more content then Call of Duty or Battlefield, or even any of the Halo games. You may not like the story as much (agreed, it was extremely lacking), but there is a ton in this game, the gameplay is tight, and for less money then what I pay in a year on Call of Duty I feel like I'm getting more content. I'm on Playstation, so an Xbox user may feel differently, but let's admit that for a new IP, this game has a ton going on.
Where you are talking about cod microtransactions of voice and skins etc.. thats from the god awful cod ghosts the worst of them all its not all of the cod games also cod waw had a co-op of up to 4 players
Most coops were two players. I've been playing since Modern Warfare and the only real worthwhile coop mode for four players was zombies
Dude cod has none of the crazy error cant get online to play b.s. theres gunna be so many people on cod and guess wat ill be able to communicate with any/all of them, activision took their time with cod like they shouldve with destiny, and the replay value is almost infinite cuz u kno people will always play it till the next cod game release, as for destiny I doubt they will ever put it proximity chat, crucible chat or fixed matchmaking, or extended world exploration for pve. If destiny tries to make destiny 2 and so on in this 10 year b.s. scheme they have plannes I doubt ill be keepin up with destiny games like I do cod games, any c.o.d. game is better than destiny rite now
Been playing COD since the first Modern Warfare and they've had their share of issues. Plenty of connectivity issues, the spawn systems get worse and worse every year, there hasn't been anything meaningful changed in almost three years. The group I play all had the season pass for Ghosts and once Destiny came out, none of us have touched Ghosts. We never even bothered to play the last DLC even though we paid for it. The game was just blah. Now this was just our experience, our opinions....so take it with a grain of salt
Preach on .... COD is trash!
You're so right. That's exactly why more people play it than any other game.
Cod is pvp only
And it's been retread Trash for awhile now imo. I know plenty of people like it but it's been copy n paste for awhile now with their maps just with new textures and skins. Perks were cool and original at one point but are now stagnant. I was a big Battlefield player until BF4 ruined the franchise (EA)
Bf4 did ruin it
I would agree except for one thing: I'm on Xbox One and I don't want to pay the same amount as PS4 users for the DLC and get less content (one less strike).
I'll give you the se advice I gave other Xbox owners....complain to Activision. As the publisher, they are the ones who strike deals that put on these types of limitations
Just mailed this letter to Activision today. I won't support this business practice in the future regardless of what has occurred in the past in the gaming industry: http://imgur.com/ONQeoMz
Good deal. I hope more people follow suit
Edited by Liverneck: 10/31/2014 10:01:30 AMCod + Battlefield = a game that wouldn't be as good as destiny no matter what. $120 for Destiny + both DLC's (-$5 if you bought the pass) $120 for COD Destiny has more than 3 Prestige masters could chew. Enough said. EDIT Digital Guardian Edition with dlc $90 (Thanks PHLATL2028
$90 Destiny Digital Guardian Edition with Dlc pass ...
I can testify to these facts! Preach it brother!
Exactly what I say! "Destiny" may have a lot of problems, but it TRAMPLES "Call of Duty" on practically all counts, ESPECIALLY cost-to-content ratio.
Edited by TheEvilYouKnow: 10/31/2014 1:19:58 AMCoD is a shameless cash in published by Activision as well. The common denominator here is Activision is undermining the video game industry by demonstrating that making a higher quality of game is not the way to make the most profits. I encourage everyone to stop this cycle before every game on the market is a shameless cash in. 1) don't give activision any more money until they stop the nonsense 2) be loud about it. This strategy worked to stop EA; they used to be the largest video game publisher and they were just as shitty as activision is now, but backlash and lost profits made them rethink their business model to the point that we're releasing free dlc to cover their asses. We can make activision do the same. The best way to hurt a major publisher is to not purchase any of their product and trade in your current versions of their product. Every used copy of destiny someone buys is a $60 loss for activision. Bungie already lost 2.5 million dollars because destiny got shit reviews. Now we need to stick it to activision before other companies follow suit and more and more video games fail to live up to expectations.
mmaybe its time we all as consumers learn to stop eating sh it and not pay that much for five maps. There was a time when this didn't happen. You got something call an "expansion" which offered way more content at reasonable prices. Now we have overpriced dlc with little content we eat up. Why do we think this is ok again?
[quote]TO ALL THE HATERS: Most of us come from a FPS background in either COD, Battlefield, or Halo. And it seems there is a lot of us on here slamming Bungie, but can we please BACK THE CRAZY TRAIN UP?!!! [u] I, myself, have been a COD person, so I'm going to speak specifically from that point of view[/u] Let's look at the facts before drawing some conclusions: 1. Call of Duty games launch with around 10-11 multiplayer maps, then charges a fee for DLC (usually around $15) that includes around five more maps. There are four of these DLCs in a "season". This DLC has no other content then those five maps and then maybe a new weapon - Destiny launched with 11 multiplayer maps and the first DLC will introduce 3 more maps to the Crucible 2. Call of Duty games generally have an entertaining campaign mode that takes about 6 hours to complete. You are solo on this campaign. - Destiny launched with a "campaign" mode that takes at least twice as long as a Call of Duty campaign, and can be played with up to two other friends if you want. You can always play it solo if you choose. These campaigns do repeatedly start you in the same world over and over again, but take you through different parts of that world to defeat different bosses. 3. Call of Duty puts in tons of micro transactions for character customizations, voice commentators, weapon skins, etc. that you pay real money to access - SO FAR, Destiny doesn't make you pay any more for such customizations. There are tons of options already available. 4. Call of Duty's DLC includes only 5 multiplayer maps and maybe a gun for $15 - Destiny's DLC includes 3 multiplayer maps, a host of new weapons and armors, new drop items, a new raid, new missions and strikes, new shaders and it costs only $5 more. So, let's add all this up: CALL OF DUTY - For a $60 game, and $40 of DLC ($60 if you don't buy the season pass) I get: - Around 30 multiplayer maps, a 6hr campaign, some other kind of co-op mode that usually few people touch, a couple of added weapons, a number of looks (though your armor/camo/ghillie suit play no role in actually preventing damage), and that about sums it up DESTINY - $60 game, $35 for DLC ($40 if you don't buy expansion pass): NOTE - I'm going to estimate based on what we know of The Dark Below and apply it to the House of Wolves DLC - 16 Crucible maps, an estimated 24-30hr campaign that can be played solo or with a small team, about 12-15 new weapons, 8-10 new armors (that actually do something besides aesthetics), three 6-player co-op Raid missions, multiple in-game currencies, a grimoire packed with story content (albeit very few people read, but it's more than COD has going for it), and that about sums it up. My question is this; WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT???? Destiny offers so much more content then Call of Duty or Battlefield, or even any of the Halo games. You may not like the story as much (agreed, it was extremely lacking), but there is a ton in this game, the gameplay is tight, and for less money then what I pay in a year on Call of Duty I feel like I'm getting more content. I'm on Playstation, so an Xbox user may feel differently, but let's admit that for a new IP, this game has a ton going on. CAN I GET A WITNESS?![/quote] no one cares
Bump! Well thought out sir.
You don't need to buy DLC on COD to continue a stupid ass "lost" storyline.
But wat can u do on cod really? Other than pvp