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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • I've read a few comments from players and I'd like to briefly address a few points. [b]Paying a lot of money for an incomplete game[/b] Destiny is fantastic. You can see a lot of work went into it. However, it is clear that Bungie are ripping us all off by slicing a product into snippets and charging so much for each one. Remember when you bought a game, played it, loved it and then were so happy when they were going to release an expansion? (e.g Shivering Isles DLC) It's a slap in the face to release content at that price almost as soon as the game has been released. [b]Euggghh you poor fag get a job and then u can buy it!!!1[/b] Understand that a lot of younger players do not have jobs. Understand that a lot of players with jobs don't always have excess income to throw around - food, mortgages and fuel do not pay for themselves. [b]Should stop being a xbox scrub ahahahahah playstation is da best[/b] Grow up. They're both great consoles. It's all down to preference. Both Sony and Microsoft see you as a source of money - nothing else. [b]Stop whining, if you're so upset try making your own game[/b] Stupidest point of all. Just because someone can't do something does not mean they can't have an opinion. If a chef made you a doughnut but filled it with wasps instead of jam, would you complain? Or would you eat it because you don't know how to make a doughnut. Anyway, these are my own opinions. Have a good day.

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