To the guy who made this blind comment.
You quite obviously have not glitched out to these locations because I'm going to list all the things that make it different to the Destiny experience we already have:
1. No enemies (with the exception of one on Mars and the King's Watch location (King's Watch even has a boss, same health bar and everything)
2. Lack of kill boundaries when falling off the map.
3. No objectives (this point however is invalidated because objectives for any mission are only present during the mission which can only be selected via orbit.)
4. Oh wait there's nothing else, no glitchy walls/surfaces, no texture pop-ins, no unfinished scenery, no gameplay lag, no game crashes, nothing. All these areas need are enemies (with the exception of King's watch), kill boundaries and accessibility.
Furthermore charging for DLC, while not a new concept, has in tradition been charging for enough content to hopefully keep the game alive long enough for the next DLC to be released, I assure you the lack luster content they've announched will barely extend the life of the game by two days of casual play or about 6-10 hours of gameplay depending on skill level.
[b]Contractual Rights[/b]
Good point however "Xbox [b]had[/b] rights to Halo", "...just a year not FOREVER like Halo [b]was[/b].". You realise Halo is an exclusive game, right? It's Microsoft owned. You know what it isn't? Halo isn't a game produced by an independent company, designed and released on multiple platforms [b]for the same price[/b]. As an Xbox gamer I see that it makes sense to not be able to play Sony games like Uncharted or Infamous however the fact that I payed as much money as a PlayStation owner and still got less content for the same game on a console of the same caliber is a very valid reason to be repelled from Bungie as a company.
[b]10 Year Plan[/b]
I hope this whole part was you joking. [i]“For marketing you’d have to ask Activision people, but for development costs, not anything close to $500 million. I think that speaks a lot more to the long-term investment that we’re making in the future of the product.”[/i] This implies either Marketing cost a couple hundred million or most of that money is what will pay the employees until the next game which undoubtedly will have another massive budget. In addition to that within the first five days alone Destiny reportedly sold over 300 million dollars and since has made well over 500 million. Still think they're hurting for money? Now take into consideration Skyrim had a budget of 85 million development and marketing this was a 3.5 year game to develop and I think we all know which was the better game.
You're either stupid or working for Bungie and/or Activision. *dramatic sigh* Let's look at updates Bungie has implemented:
1. Nerfing weapons
2. Removing non-game breaking tactics to obtain gear such as loot caves, which was really probably the most fun I had outside the Raid and implementing kill boundaries in certain places such as the floating platforms at the Templar.
3. "Fixing" the Cryptarch problem, while a good thing now legendaries are few and far between from actual gameplay and [b]legendary[/b] packages give 2-3 rares more often than one legendary.
4. Fixed Atheon being pushed off (Thank god)
5. Changing rotation of maps in Crucible.
Now what hasn't been fixed:
1. Voice communication, this isn't about lack of proximity chat but even between matchmade fireteams there's nothing (and they call this a "social shooter").
2. Matchmaking for Raids, Weekly & daily challenges as well. Even just a playlist for story missions at say level 24 with some rewards would be nice.
3. Balanced multiplayer (believe it or not the nerfing of weapons has done nothing to crucible as intended but has crippled use of many things in PvE)
4. Something they said they were working on weeks ago, buffing weak exotics such as Thorn which let's be honest is worse than a rare handcannon
5. Sparrow races, actually just more game modes in general.
6. Crucible, there is 4 permanent playlists and two playlists which come on every two weeks all of which are in essence the same. Kill other people. There's no objective gametypes, don't even mention Control or Salvage I've gone in with a bunch of friends to prove the objectives don't count by not capturing a single point in a game and winning purely by kills.
7. Events. Iron Banner, level advantages enabled? At level 2 with a defense rating of >100 and a damage output of 23 tell me how I possibly got a Reign of Terror against an entire team of level 27+ with the lowest defense rating of 1200? And let's not even get into The Queen's Emissary
8. Private -blam!-ing lobbies. 'nuff said
The list of things that are more important in improving the game but not being addressed goes on.
Stop being an idiot and realise that the game is nothing like what was promised before release.
- They have more than enough money
- They already have more than enough for a 10 year plan
- The "glitchy" DLC just needs enemies and kill boundaries, give me a dev kit and 12 hours and I could fix that.
- The fact the contract is in place at all is stupid.
- Updates don't take nearly as long as they are for Destiny a two man team could produce and test updates a faster rate than this.
- Updates should be prioritised correctly
That quote is stupid, I'm fine with paying for something extra that's [b]worth it[/b]. You'd get more value buying 2 $10 Arcade games. And if you only spend $20 for a night downtown that you won't remember, you're either leaching off other people or living in a place where everything costs like $3.
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