Don't think rng can be broken because then it wouldn't be rng
It's broken alright. Or maybe just real out of tune. Guys can get not one kill and get an exotic because of this "not broken rng"
Well rng is rng so 1 kill and reward or something 100 kills and reward it doesn't matter. thing is who cares if a shitty person gets something in PVP if your trying to get gear there are many other faster ways to get it
So you're telling me, you can do the raid 7 times and not get the raid gear you need out of those 7 times and call the rng "fine?"
Yep at least when you do get it you will have plenty of shards
I didn't say sometimes it suck but rng is rng you get used to it
Would much prefer lvl 30 be something you EARN than something you get through luck. Yes, the raid is hard, it takes a certain level of skill to complete, but it's LUCK that gets you to lvl 30.
Raid is pretty easy, on hard more it's a tad more challenging but still nothing too extreme with the next iron banner they are putting in 30 gear so you can hit 30 that way too