Awesome... the first comment in is some guy with a sore throat from Bungie's dick... this game isn't a fail, its just good not great... your DLC is joke, you want 33% of what we paid for the game, give us 33% more content... people don't mind paying for DLC, they do mind feeling like they got part of a game, which they did and paying for DLC. How you decide to update and fix things is laughable, the gates in the raid rarely work right, but let's worry about how Aetheon chooses to teleport players. Let's do the Iron Banner, but let's not make sure the guns we have to use are working as intended(nerf/buff). Also, it was your second event and most of the community couldn't log on the first day, because you're -blam!-in stupid. Feel free to customize your guardian, but here is the ONLY set of armor that can take you to level 30. Most of your moronic fan boys are right, because soon, only they will play destiny with any consistency, lord knows they don't have the balls to tell the emperor he isn't wearing clothes. When all those people leave, will Bungie be ballsy enough to spout off their numbers then? Let's see what happens when your game loses half of your PS4 base and alienates all of your Xbox base... fricken d-bags probably didn't consider that. If your going to patch a bug or mistake, try not to cause multiple new ones in the process, I personally love going to the doctor for the flu and coming home with pneumonia AND bronchitis instead. I don't need to go into the repetitious nature of your bounties and your strikes, we know your "complete" game needs them to even appear serviceable. Thanks for all the wonderful social interactions you've given me, I've never said so much to strangers with my dance moves til this game. Oh yeah, can u actually make the d-pad have a purpose instead of catering to the half-retarded mmo dip-shits that think dancing in a game will get them chicks. Awesome idea about 3 person "fireteams," I had never heard on them and assume you got the idea from some genius source. Is it also possible you could waste more opportunities to make your game awesome by not giving any purpose to picking a race or 90% of the "class" skills? I would like to go on, but I'm sure I'll be getting plenty of throaters defending your garbage rip-off.
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