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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 7:16:42 PM
To you, Atheist Sermon, a response from my viewpoint. I refrained from attempting to put any cursing, so I hope you read this in the manor I chose to type this: a detailed, educated, and opinion based response. Hopefully this makes more friendly and productive argument than a raging one. [b]DLC[/b] I know the point of DLC, it is to get people who buy the used versions of the games something that they don't already have at the start. This gives the developer more money, but a huge problem with this is that it is punishing people who bought the New versions of the game. Nobody will ever be pleased at developers for making DLC until they give a gift to the people who buy the game New, or mark down the price of the New games. This of course is not exclusive to Destiny, it is more of a Game Industry problem in general. [b]Contractual Rights[/b] In truth I don't know why people are mad at this. Well, I do, I just don't know why people don't step back and realize what they are barking at. It is true, this gave them more money to their outstanding budget, but it was a good way to broaden their horizons, moving from Xbox to Playstation. The only thing Bungie hasn't made a deal with is Nintendo and their consoles. So far this has been Bungie's history. They made game for Mac then gave PC a deal which moved them forward. During this time though they made their Mac gamers unhappy, very similar to how right now they are making their Xbox gamers unhappy. This is Bungie, and I am glad to see them making new connections. [b]10 Year Plan[/b] Forgive me for chuckling at this section of your response to the community, but I think a reminder of 500 million dollars is in store here. That is 50 million dollars per year in spending, that is more than most games alone. This is of course also connected to 10 years of it being released to the public, but it had a very long development period as well. With such a long development, it is shameful that they released such a meager game. We will talk about this later in time though. Do you know how much money Destiny made also in 24-hours? 500 million, just the same as their budget. So in 24 hours they have paid for their development cost, by all means they can make DLC free and nobody would lose money, unfortunately they are choosing to make a massive profit on this. Starting on the day after Destiny's launch, anything they make is profit. This is outrageous, and even with this in mind they are going to have us pay for essential parts of the game for 20 dollars a piece. I don't see that as a good thing as far as a gamer. [b]Updates[/b] It is unreasonable to think that Bungie will get to the forum posts, but they have moderators and fans helping them with this, and only read the feedback area really. Any other area is just flame wars and such, feedback is exactly what is sounds like. I don't even think this is worth a response, you are right in this regard. [b]Time[/b] I also found this area funny, because I personally haven't played the game that much but have experienced everything. I use a Warlock mainly, but have used all classes to their fullest potential. I have not even hit the 100 hour mark with this game, in fact I would say I am around 50 hours or less. From my experience, it get's dull fast. This is coming from an RPG veteran, I grew up on grindy games and some of my favorites have been games I have needed to grind to complete an awesome boss or something of the sort. That's the thing though...I'm not grinding in Destiny to beat an awesome boss, I am grinding to get this weapon or armor piece to the proper potential is possesses. I have been able to beat strikes alone, heroic strikes even, on the highest difficulties with gear that makes me barely level 27. If you have done the max level heroic, it is level 28, so it should've been hard to me. Nope, got through it pretty easily. I have my Hunter at level 12 and my Titan at level 14, but my time has been focused on my Warlock. I'd say 38 hours alone was on my Warlock, and 12 or less was between my Hunter and Titan classes. This game doesn't have as much as you think it does, because I've even been through the Raid and I am kind of done with it. So I do think your Overplayed concept is more for you and a set amount of others, because I know alot of people who've still only played one character.

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