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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 7:20:38 PM
All of what you said is sensible, or at least all that I read. However I do think that there is legitimate cause to be disappointed with the lack of variation in destiny. The game is really nicely put together; the gunplay is great, I like the classes, it's quite eerie at times too. But after getting so much right it's obvious that they rushed the last stage and the content is simply too repetitive. I cannot see this being solved by them releasing one more strike - I will still have to play the other ones, which are already driving me a bit mad. Now I have played quite a lot of this game, I'm nearly level 28, but once I have done the raid the game is essentially completed. There are many things that would have provided replay value - like horde mode etc, in fact anything that has a random element to it would be good, but the only thing that does surprise you by level 20 odd is Atheon's teleport. I've played a bit of crucible but I'm not finding it very interesting to be honest. Loading times are too long and there's not much variation. I have got my money's worth with this game, no question, but I didn't expect it to get old so quickly and it seems unlikely that some dlc every few months will change the fact that it is a bit one dimensional.

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