I think that once the 19th of November comes, dear Bungie, you will have lost an avid fan/player. The fact that Xbox players are paying the same price that PS3-4 players are playing and getting less content is bogus. Ok, maybe they get it 2 weeks prior to Xbox users, but a YEAR to wait? Really? Do you not know your roots? Remember a little game called Halo that put your asses on the map, with XBOX players? I am not hating on any dirty back room scheme/money plans(and who knows what other "services" you might have gotten from Sony), at the end of the day, you are in this to make money, not friends. Agreed, good business sense. But making Xbox players wait a year for content that will be released to Sony players is BS.
According to what I have read, 56% of Destiny players are on Playstation while the remaining 44% are on Xbox. So, you are willing to alienate almost half of your player base for what? I used to play MMOs on the PC, and enjoyed it and thought this would be fun. It is, although like many on here it is a bit tedious playing the same strike over and over (yes, talking about you Archon Priest) but the content is already starting to get droll. Who knows, maybe Sony is hoping to drive players to come over to them to get the extra content? NAH, not gonna happen. If you wanted to make Destiny exclusive content you should have done that, not treat us like second string players and bench warmers.
So, based on your business decisions to alienate the player base that actually allowed you to move on to a successful business venture, (i.e. the Halo franchise/XBox), I will be moving on over to play Halo on Xbox One in November. I may stop in to say hi from time to time, but with Halo Masterchief Edition being released in November, I will be taking my business elsewhere. Very, VERY poor decisions on your behalf. Destiny was a great endeavor and a great game, but your support and obvious preferential treatment of the PS player base over what almost constitutes the other 50% of your business , is just bad BUSINESS. Best of luck to you PS players, I am happy for you and not hating.
After reading the press releases on Dark Below(which unfortunately I prepaid for both "expansions"... but my son can enjoy them in my stead) this just turned me against you. Missing gear that isn't replaced ( this information could easily be saved on your servers and restored, Blizzard did it all the time for the WOW base), poor patches, Caterpillar, Zebra, Bee, Cow, Chicken, Badger errors, and just not enough content nor the promise of equal content has driven me away from what I used to consider a FLAGSHIP company to be mimicked. Not so any longer....
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