Adam, how much time have you spent playing Destiny?
Now, whatever that time was ask yourself, "did I have fun doing this?" If the answer is 'no', then take the game back, get credit and move on.
If the answer is 'yes', then tell me why it was fun and what did you get out of it.
At the end of the gaming session, I have had fun. I may have run a mission for the 50th time, but I had fun. It's called a game because you are entertained. If it isn't entertaining then move on.
If you trade it in now you can get half your money back and then feel like you spent $30 on Destiny. Would that make you feel better?
I want to like it however we got all the same stuff in the beta. I remeber playing the beta and saying this is the best game on the Xbone ....and its a beta! I already wasted money on other flops this year and really getting half price in return value just 2 months since release ain't gonna cut it. I spent time on it yes, almost a 30 but it was mostly repeating old events and wandering looking for materials which was like day dreaming not engaging. Does this not bother you at all? That the game is flat this soon unless we fork over another 1/3 of the retail price?
I can agree that there is some monotony to the game. That's part of the MMO aspects coming out. Every role playing game has "grinding" where you do the same tasks over and over to build resources/levels. My team currently has not beaten the Raid on hard mode. So, we are grinding to get as high of a level as we can to beat it. I think what Destiny suffers most from is trying to be all things to all people. So it feels underwhelming to people looking for an MMO, or people looking for a new shooter. These complaints come mostly from missed expectations.......and an incomplete story
I agree with you on grinding that's fine I've done the bad ju ju bounty...25 strikes and I did them in a day so I understand the grind but it was so mechanical, only kill what needs killed, ride speeder until you physically cannot advance on it farther. That being said we didn't get much for our money in my mind. I've never had a game dry up so fast on me and the dlc was kind of a light at the end of the tunnel to breath new life and energy into this grind. But for what we get for this is a bad deal. Like many others say "we beat the game in 8 hrs" after that it's soley a grind. As for other people's expectations I've seen positive things from shooters and mmo players but transactions already? This is insulting.
You're an idiot. You can have fun with a game but still critique it. Destiny is far off from perfect and Bungie's shitty practices are just the tip of the iceberg.