I would like to know why you are giving PS4 players more exclusive content to the game that Xbox players have to wait a full year for?
Edited by Shovel: 10/6/2015 3:28:26 AM
Edited by Shovel: 10/6/2015 3:29:21 AM
Cause ps4 paid more kinda like Titanfall. Its an Xbox exclusive cause they wanted more people buying Xbox one, ps4 is doing the same with destiny
Edited by XLORDXSITHX: 10/30/2014 8:07:20 PMBecause we ps4 players now own dlc rights. You xbox noobs had dlc rights for a decade. Its our turn. Enjoy waiting on old content. Paybacks a bitch.
You say "paybacks a bitch" like it's the player's fault this happening. This is simply a money play by Sony/Bungie and the only people who get hurt are the gamers. It doesn't matter if you play Xbox or PS.
It is the players fault. You baught the shitty xbox not me.
Thanks for making it clear you're impossible to have a legitimate debate with. Saves me a lot of time in future responses.
Post rate 11/10 Top kek
[quote]I would like to know why you are giving PS4 players more exclusive content to the game that Xbox players have to wait a full year for?[/quote] Hahahahaha Xbox sucks
Thanks for this lovely comment that contributes nothing...at all.
[quote]Thanks for this lovely comment that contributes nothing...at all.[/quote] [spoiler]LOL[/spoiler]
I understand where you're coming from but the fact of the matter is console wars are kinda obsolete. Both the One and PS4 can run gorgeous looking games. The developers have barely begun to scratch the surface of what they can achieve. For example look at GoW:Ascension. The game looks beautiful on a PS3.