And where exactly does the outright lie by the President of Bungie fit in to your explanation? He had to have known yesterday that there WAS Playstation exclusive content in the first DLC. Yet he goes on the record with Eurogamer and states without reservation that there was NO PLAYSTATION EXCLUSIVE CONTENT IN THE DARK BELOW.
I haven't seen that article, so I couldn't comment on it. But I do know that plans change quickly sometimes in business. Maybe no PS exclusive content was the plan of record at the time he said it. It doesn't necessarily mean he was lying if he didn't tell Eurogamer that another plan was being considered. Or maybe he was, who knows? Or maybe that's going to be true for EU and not for other parts of the world. It happens. At the company I'm at now I was offered a job, accepted the offer, an had it all in writing. Then I get a call at 8:00am the next morning and was told they had acquired another company, so my employment was on hold until they could hash out the workforce merger. I'm sure they knew there was a possibility this could happen before they made the offer, but until the deal got signed, they were proceeding as planned with hiring people as if there was no deal pending. BTW I was *Really Glad* I didn't show up early and tell off the boss at my old job and/or take a dump in his trash can. I ended up spending 10 more weeks there before I finally got to start the new job.