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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 7:59:08 PM
Sweet mother of Joseph and James. Reading the posts here, you'd think everyone and their mother had a problem with this game. I don't comment much, or even read comments much.. Maybe my third comment, but I feel like I need to step in and defend this game. Lol my friends and I love this game. We play daily, and it's part of why I'm failing physics. And I want to thank you for that. Lol we have a kick ass time, and love doing the raid. I've logged tons of hours.. I'm almost a 29. Just praying for raid gear at this point. I still don't feel like the game is over. Until I hit the level cap.. I won't feel like it's over. So I'm pretty happy with the amount of "fun" I'm getting from the game. Kind of like cod and prestige system.. You may have played every map.. And reached first prestige online.. But that doesn't mean the game is over. That's basically, in my opinion, like hitting level 20 on destiny and beating the current story mode. We're geared toward the multiplayer.. Online.. Games with friends thing. Which is exactly what this game offers. And I like that. We like that. So thanks. And we look forward to future raids and increased level caps. Keep up the good work bungie. #TheWizardsShieldsAreFire

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  • I f'reaken love this game too. I know Bungie will fix problems. It is their legacy after all.

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  • not anymore

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  • I guess the easiest way to explain my perspective is this: the grinding is not what I expected or wanted from this game. I love Halo and Mass Effect, I was expecting something more like them. Solid plot, lots of variety, and an open explorable world (as we were promised in old prerelease interviews). I have all 3 characters at 27, 28, 29 and have very little to do except find better equipment and run through the same few missions ad nauseum. Most of the fun I have in this game comes from playing with friends, which really is not something that Destiny provided on its own. Tack on that I have never been a fan of PvP even when for games that I *am* good at, and you can see how much of this game is shut off from me. So what I was promised was epic spaceventure with an incredible plot written by one of the most respected storytellers in the industry, and what I was given was a game with half the plot missing and propped up on a PvP system that I find inaccessible. So while I enjoyed this game, and will continue to play it (once connection issues from this last patch clear up), I have a disappointment equivalent to the flimsy ending of Halo 2 or ME3. In another perspective: I expected to have a Mass Effect campaign plot, and was given Counterstrike Multi and Battlefield instead. Neither are bad on their own merits, but I may not have bought this game had I known just how much the multi was emphasized.

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  • That's a really good and clear way to express your perspective. Lol and I'm sorry the game wasn't all you expected or hoped for, and I hope the extra content helps with that. Maybe if I had been seen some of the prerelease stuff, I would have felt the same way. But just jumping in and buying it because friends were, day of, I enjoy the game, and I'm pretty happy with it.

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  • As a corrolary, I hope that you find all the joy I was expecting from this game. I understand a fair portion of my dissatisfaction comes from my Duke Nukem Forever level anticipation, and for the most part this game really is a very high quality piece of work (the art and controls alone give me the wibblies). I just wish I had been warned that this had a "subscription fee" which is the biggest reason why I don't play MMOs. Always glad to find another worthwhile conversant. Good hunting!

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  • Same to you sir.

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  • Did you really just say that you want Bungie to make friends for you?

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  • No, pvt Pyle, I am saying that the fun I get out of Destiny is mostly coming from my side of the relationship, and it seems more and more like Bungie is going to lay in bed and pretend it has a headache.

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  • So explain to me what you can do once you hit the level cap and have beat every strike over 20 times??? What is the point??? I like this game alot and I am not trying to bash at all. It just feels like titanfall all over again. Then they nerf the good guns for PvE and then forced to use a scout rifle or hand cannon? Why???? And I know coming from a system baised gaming not use to hot fixes etc. And I dont mind them trying to improve the game it sucks sometimes but still. What about all the Dead orbit, future war cult, all of them whats the point of doing them if the only way to be lol 30 is raid gear???? What is the point of that??

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  • Well, you can wait. You can play another game until DLC comes out. You can help friends also reach the level cap. Homie you can bake a cake (Hoodie!). There's all kinds of things. Personally. I would help my group of 6 for the raids.. Hit 30, so we could be ready for the next raid when it comes out. I use a maxed out shadow price I bought from the vanguard (see next section of text). I don't care for scout rifles or hand cannons. That's just my playing styyyyle. They're there as options for different gear. If you had bought a cloak and been wearing it as you ranked up, you could have had the ability to purchase something better than what you had. I just got my first legendary heavy weapon drop from the vault. Before it, I was still rocking rare heavy machine guns, as a level 28! Lol I still haven't ever gotten a legendary glove or boot. So I'm rocking the dust walkers I purchased from the vanguard. And the only reason I stuck with vanguard was because I liked my normal cloak more than any the factions had to offer. Gotta stay Frabjous, you know. The shadow price was the best gun I could find that was my style available. And you can't count on a drop for a primary. So I bought it as well. Yeah I slaved away getting marks. Was it worth it? Yeah it was worth it. Lol I'm pretty happy with my shadow price and ice breaker. But the factions are there to offer better equipment to prepare you for the vault.

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  • Makes sens I just kinda feel like their could sooooooo much more with the game.

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  • Yeah I gotcha.

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  • The same people complaining are the same people who have like 7 days sure if I 'no life'-ed a game for 7days playing time, I'd hate it too lmfao

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  • No the game is just disappointing

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  • Either way you look at it, your comment is invalid as Bungie had a full game ready to release and instead they sectioned all the good parts off and replaced it with a game that no one wanted, but since the hype was already there so now people like you defend them even though they cheated us all.

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  • Battlefield friends reference coming: I can see how a titan may not be able to wrap their head around this.. But.. I don't feel cheated. Maybe some of us don't feel cheated. I feel like I've received at least $60 worth of gameplay. And if you don't feel that way, I'm sorry. All the hype I got was the become legend trailer. I found out about it when I saw the commercial on TV. I didn't look into gameplay. My friends wanted it, so we got it, and we play it. And we love it. And we don't feel cheated. So.. Maybe if you feel cheated.. You should bump comments that say you feel cheated.. And boycott purchasing the DLC.

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  • Wow man, this post successfully states all the negative and positive points of the game so brilliantly. I feel exactly the same, so alone in such a populated world, my friends have either traded the game in or just stopped playing it completely and I'm still here, gunning away in the raid just hoping that the RNGesus will be merciful, but besides the random loot system problem that everyone so eagerly establishes at every given moment they can (Including me) the game seriously lacks any soul, and it deserves to become the game that it was supposed to be. Peace out guardians, I'll see you in the battlefield, but until there is one, I guess I'll see you in the tower? Heh

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  • You, sir, get full points for "RNGesus"

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  • Why thank you sir

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  • Actually hitting level 30 makes the game waaaaaay less fun

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  • Oh for now, I'm sure. Just means you're ready for the next raid. Lol just hoping content will hold us over from getting to the next level cap. But I mean.. If you play a lot, you have to expect it. Once we get there, we're there to help friends make it there.

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  • Peace and love

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  • Im with u on this . I fuknn lov this game to th point where i havnt and hav no intention of buying anther game .. destiny u complete me lol. I realy dont get y people rag on this game so much .

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