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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Hello fellow guardians ill make this short and sweet, looking for PSN & Xbox players that want to join a fun and competitive clan that is built on teamwork! Anyone is welcome to join us no matter k/d or w.e we just want to come together when this game comes out so we have many friends to aid us in our quest for Greatness in the world of Destiny. So if you are willing to work together and strive 2 be the best guardian your want to be no matter of what play style then your more than welcome to join us! Its your Destiny!!!! so take it, make a choice build your own path with us. We do not rely solely on skills but on our abilities to work together and communicate! Our clan has joined the Unholy Alliance which consist of my clan The Game Changers, Unholy, Prisoner of War, and Sanctified. We are an amazing clan with already around 100 clanmates (over 200 members) and would love to add players to an Alliance that will be Chaotic!. My PSN is [b]Kaot1cuco if you want to add me, im one of the Admins for the clan and leaders of the Ps4 branch, i have played both Alpha and Beta versions, and i have a level 30 titan and level 30 hunter, i beaten the hard raid multiple times (legit way) and i can help anyone thats needs it! i believe that learning everyones playsyle and stengths and weaknesses is key to a successful team not just the lvl of the characters, and im just waiting for that new raid to come out and getting ready for it! [/b] Currently looking for more high level xbox 1 guardians to join our other members in VoG (either hard or normal) let me know and also ps4 but that will be more exclusive since we are about to hit the clan-mate limit of 100 per console :D we use quad and in-console chat to organize as well as our website I speak both English and Spanish so any Spanish speaking players are also welcomed! I hope we can ride together in a fireteam on our sparrows soon enough!!!!!!!! lol peace outtt! P.S We play with ppl from all time zones and use the Quad app to communicate with our members. We also have a separate clan for PS3 and Xbox360 which is in alliance with us due to the 100 clan mates limit Here is our link for our clan page: Here is the link for our official website: Thank you all for your time, TGC (The Game Changers) Alliance: Unholy

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