Metroid Prime had the Fusion suit already on the disc, but you couldn't unlock it unless you connected your Gamecube to a Gameboy Advance while the game Metroid: Fusion was playing in it. This was Nintendo encouraging you to buy an entirely new game to access the Fusion Suit.
Not all of the games I mentioned had new worlds to unlock on disc via DLC, but they all had varying levels of content on them that you had to do something outside of owning the game to unlock them. Go look it up
That's not DLC though. Its a bonus for connecting the devices. That's like saying game X is locking content because you need a controller to play it.
If you have to DOWNLOAD the CONTENT then it is DLC. No matter where you get it from or how you get it.
That wasn't downloadable content anyhow.
I disagree. the Metroid Fusion suit is still in game content, that is already on the disc, but you have to buy or borrow and perform extra steps to unlock it. Keep in mind that the suit is already there, fully completed and ready for use on the disc when you bought it, but you can't have it unless you go buy another game and a GBA. Besides this, the content that is on Destiny's disc is not completed, ready-to-play content that is just locked up on the disc. Those areas are mostly empty. It helps the developers to send as much on the disc, especially since these areas are continuations of the worlds we are already playing. If they do end up releasing new planets, just wait and see how large those downloads will be, because it's going to be a pain. They are helping themselves out a little by playing the framework on the disc so that they can fill it later.