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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 8:21:36 PM
This is happening to many in my clan. And many i know besides. It sux our clan even made new avys to try for better rng & so they can run it on all the same class to try & get gear. In my case my rng is good. But is frustrating to watch my friends get let down so many times. I wish we could roll for needed items or at least trade within clan & friends at end of missions. My bf & other clan mates play vog weekly & he is always on top yet has yet to complete his raid set!? Yet ppl he helps out by even carrying at times doing the vog have sets. How is that fair? Hes now decided he may not wanna play Destiny any more as he doesn't find it fun anymore😒 I told him take a break & hopefully Bungie will hear the community & fix this soon.😕 AND btw imo Dlc should NOT be a solve for this issue lol

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