The Xbox ppl are getting a short stick on this and it seems that this content was already done and the publisher is pulling the same bad things.look at infinity ward ppl leaving or fired and becoming respawn and prey 2 bs.
Why do people keep thinking that just because there are places you can glitch into on Destiny it somehow means there is ready-to-play content locked away on the disc? YES, there is the framework for content on the disc, but there is nothing to do in those areas. Doing this helps the developer when they can complete the content and send it out because they aren't having to send so much. This saves time and money for them, and it saves us from having to download even larger files then we already have to download. As for Xbox ppl getting the short end of the stick, I'll listen to your sympathy when Halo comes to Playstation. Now that Bungie is independent of Microsoft, they still are keeping the Halo series exclusive to Xbox, so No, I don't have sympathy.
Pretty sure Microsoft owns Halo. Bungie has nothing to do with it anymore.
Half true. Bungie is still a developer, but yes...Microsoft own the IP. Bungie was originally a studio owned Microsoft, but they bought themselves from MS so that they could be an independent studio. Just wish they were able to buy the rights to Halo as well:-(
Lol. I'm tired of everyone complaining. I own an Xbox one, and I'm not happy about the possibility of a year timed exclusive. If I had known before I bought the season pass, I wouldn't have. And I know, PS users have had timed exclusives for COD, but I believe they were only a few weeks. And I saw someone mention halo and titanfall. I truly wish that ps users got to play these games, but the comparison doesn't quite fit. They are console exclusive not timed. I would also like to point out games like Kill Zone and Uncharted. I don't get to play those games, but still I'm not going to complain about it. People need to grow up and realize, that while most game companies try to make amazing games that people will love, it's still all about the money. Sorry for the rant.
Agree 100%
No kidding hey. If the framework wasn't there people would complain about having to download another 5 gigs of info on to their hds