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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 8:41:46 PM
So explain to me what you can do once you hit the level cap and have beat every strike over 20 times??? What is the point??? I like this game alot and I am not trying to bash at all. It just feels like titanfall all over again. Then they nerf the good guns for PvE and then forced to use a scout rifle or hand cannon? Why???? And I know coming from a system baised gaming not use to hot fixes etc. And I dont mind them trying to improve the game it sucks sometimes but still. What about all the Dead orbit, future war cult, all of them whats the point of doing them if the only way to be lol 30 is raid gear???? What is the point of that??

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  • Well, you can wait. You can play another game until DLC comes out. You can help friends also reach the level cap. Homie you can bake a cake (Hoodie!). There's all kinds of things. Personally. I would help my group of 6 for the raids.. Hit 30, so we could be ready for the next raid when it comes out. I use a maxed out shadow price I bought from the vanguard (see next section of text). I don't care for scout rifles or hand cannons. That's just my playing styyyyle. They're there as options for different gear. If you had bought a cloak and been wearing it as you ranked up, you could have had the ability to purchase something better than what you had. I just got my first legendary heavy weapon drop from the vault. Before it, I was still rocking rare heavy machine guns, as a level 28! Lol I still haven't ever gotten a legendary glove or boot. So I'm rocking the dust walkers I purchased from the vanguard. And the only reason I stuck with vanguard was because I liked my normal cloak more than any the factions had to offer. Gotta stay Frabjous, you know. The shadow price was the best gun I could find that was my style available. And you can't count on a drop for a primary. So I bought it as well. Yeah I slaved away getting marks. Was it worth it? Yeah it was worth it. Lol I'm pretty happy with my shadow price and ice breaker. But the factions are there to offer better equipment to prepare you for the vault.

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  • Makes sens I just kinda feel like their could sooooooo much more with the game.

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  • Yeah I gotcha.

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