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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 8:47:15 PM
I think that this all comes down to expectations. You guys need to just be careful about what you are telling us what we should expect. Dispelling rumors about Mercury or whatever, telling us straight up that there are areas already developed that you need to fill out and need all that time to figure out precisely what that new area should feel like with stories, strikes and raids. In other words, being totally honest will pay off with more loyalty from us players as well as making more money from those that see just how happy we are with it. Nothing sells better than word of mouth or internet reviews by players on Youtube, gamespot, ect. If you folk can iron out some of the suggestions many including myself have given like allowing us to communicate with strike matchmade teams for example, more vehicles to play with, generic weapons for PVP so everyone is on the same level as far as weapons go, and a more fair reward system (e.g. making big bosses always dropping high level weapons and ger

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