Polite rebuttal to your fanbase request statement:
If they wanted to, they could easily make a forum post saying "this is what we have heard from you, we will consider it" or even a "hey, we understand your issues, we are working to address them". You don't have to respond individually to a group (especially ones offering suggestions for their preferred play style). However, also keep in mind: Bungie has a legacy with some fantastic games. Particularly, they have enhancements that were in previous games (Reach especially) that were deliberately taken out in Destiny. So a number of these suggestions are based in "we know that you can do this, so why are you not?"
The biggest issue that (we) the negs are having is that every single update seems to be about things that are completely irrelevant to us. In the last updates, the only major enhancements the PvE guys get are stability issues. PvP focus is making BG myopic about a significant part of its fanbase, and it would do them a lot of excellent publicity if they would address us as a whole. Tack on the fact that the mailbag only seems to be a circle-uh... "Self congratulatory eroticization" instead of answering the questions a (loud) min/majority are asking just adds problems to the pile.
Um, DeeJ does that every week or so? And how do you know stuff was "taken out"? Because of a (fake) article/interview with an "anonymous employee"? Kids will believe anything.
You never watch the ViDoc from 2013 on YouTube? Or read the reddit article about the stuff that was removed from the game? They rushed it out, removed so much stuff and put in a lackluster story. Borderlands 2 which is a similar game has more to do than this game, might I add a much better story
I respect you, you respect me. That is how civil discourse works. Agreed? I watched every interview and clip posted on YouTube from the official Destiny channel. Read every article that Bungie posted on its own FB feed. So when I say I feel like I have been mislead, it is because Bungie deliberately (even *literally*) said "hey guys, this is the super cool game we have coming out - this is what we're doing, and this is why we think you should be as excited as we are". Comparison time: Mass Effect has had DLC across all games, but DLC was used to add detail and scope to an already established, self-contained plot. EA/Bioware hit a lot of flak because of ME3 day-1 DLC, but you can play through a complete game without ever seeing Javik. Destiny has the first chapter of the game, and no only does it feel unfinished, but you get no closure from a game that demands that I shell out extra for what I thought was a complete story arc.