Like that hasnt happened to us? And if it was just two weeks i would agree with you but in a lot of instances we actually get less content when xbox gets exclusive DLC or little bits of add on content when we paid the same amount as you guys not to mention there have been times where DLC was released for xbox that we never got and never will get
And i dont have a ps past 2. So i didn't know yall got screwed liket hat in the past. Def sucks man. And it,hits hard when its y i ur fav. Developer whos been making games specifically for your console.
Honestly though, good chat haha. Hands down the most civil 2 warring console gamers have ever debated i feel like hahaha
You guys would rage so hard if naughty dog made their next game on both consoles and did similar things. Theres no denying it man. Xbox users have a special relationship with bungie. They know it. We know it. Yiu know even coming from ps.As yall do with naughty dog. Its one thing to throw a bone. Its another to give em the entire skeleton and leave the loyals with a mere ulna or rib. If uncharted was suddenly released on both consoles, dont you think they would hook up their loyals?? No? I mean shit,man. Why wouldn't you. Companies like that dont need to cater to the newcomers. They need to show that their loyal fans have not been forgotten. In the end. Theyre gonna lose a huge portion of their die hard been with them over a decade fanbase. And theyre okay with that. Shit. Ive accepted it. 343 is what I'll be following now.